is there a huge change in information between the 2nd and 3rd editions of cliffs ap bio?
the reason im wondering about this is because i think the 2nd edition was published when there were 120 mc questions on the exam. but now there are only 90.
but is the information gonna be that different?</p>
<p>If you plan to buy either of them DONT. I have the pdf files of both editions. But, unfortunatly like usual I don’t have the slightest idea of how to attach anything to the post, so just e-mail or pm me and I will gladly sent them to you.</p>
<p>@pink33837: For future reference, I don’t think there is a way to attach files to posts. But if you want to, you can create an account in [Box.net</a> - Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files](<a href=“http://www.box.net/]Box.net”>http://www.box.net/) and upload files there. Then you can just link to said files in your posts.</p>
<p>Not that I recommend it, since what you are so kindly offering unfortunately goes both against CC rules and copyright laws. Posts are too public for that kind of stuff. e-mails, however…</p>
<p>thx for the recommendation</p>
<p>There shouldn’t be a big difference. Just buy whatever is cheaper.</p>
<p>Hey! I was wondering if you still had the pdf files for the AP Biology exam. If you do, please send them to me. Thank you so much. The Campbell textbook is so intimidating! I’m scared for the exam. Please get back to me ASAP. Thank you! :)</p>
<p>I was wondering about the same thing.
Is there a big difference between the two editions?</p>
<p>The only difference should be price. Everything else should basically be the same.</p>