<p>specifically what does each one mean. ive seen these terms used a lot and was just wondering what is the major difference between each one</p>
<p>specifically what does each one mean. ive seen these terms used a lot and was just wondering what is the major difference between each one</p>
<p>I'm thinking: reach (bit of a stretch), slight reach (almost there), match (you're good), safety (if something horrible happens, like if your match school lost your app or it got lost in the mail :( )</p>
<p>REACH - you fit in the bottom 25-40% of the applicants who apply there. Don't consider yourself better than a 20-40% chance there.</p>
<p>SLIGHT REACH - More of a match, but your stats are in the 40-50% range of the applicants. Little less than 50% chance there.</p>
<p>MATCH - You fit the typical student who applies there, but you will compete against other students like you. Likely to get in, may get rejected. 50-75% chance there</p>
<p>SAFETY - You are in the top 75% of all applicants at their school. Your scores are very high compared to other applicants. It's almost a sure bet that you get in this school. 75-100% chance there.</p>
<p>A2Wolves6 has it down pat. :)</p>
<p>I think
super reach/big reach = 10% chance
reach = 25% chance
slight reach/reasonable reach = 40% chance
match = 60% chance
safety = 80% chance</p>
<p>I disagree with A2Wolves6 just a bit. The advisors at my school defined REACH as any school with low % of acceptance....it would be a reach for even the best candidate....not solely those with stats in bottom 25-40%. If the college admits 12% or less then despite the best credentials/recs you better plan for some schools who admit a higher % of applicants.</p>
<p>Good point hazmat... lucky for me, i'm not going near any school that's that selective :)</p>
<p>Good luck there A2Wolves6 and just remember to keep your eye on the % of acceptances.....for yourself. Your stats may be under/over but it is the numerical opportunity you are matching. Don't let your counselors sell you short on opportunity.</p>
<p>i think (to make it simpler) its like this:
Super Reach: Stats dont match up at all but a really good hook can help
Reach: Stats go with the bottom of the app pool and u still need a hook
Slight reach: stats go with bottom half of apps- need at least a few EC's
Match: Stats go with most of the apps- EC's could guarantee admission
Saftey: No Way U'll be rejected from these</p>
<p>You simplified version is still like mixing metaphors. Stats are an element, Ecs are an element, Quality of school your are coming from is an element, geography is an element, hooks are an element. Basically you need to evaluate your own package and determine which schools admit higher/middling/lower %s of applicants. You can find highly academic schools that admit high % of applicants and lower academic schools accepting lower %s. One needs to maximize their chances for admission by selecting a or some schools with a high % of acceptances. Whether you stats match up is just one component. A student can gain admission by having high achievement in a specific area and poor stats in others....advanced research and achievement in science but poor stats in an other area.....well you can I suppose see how varied the evaluation can be.</p>
<p>who can give a % to them like dodo's.</p>
<p>How're these Percentages?</p>
<p>Super reaches: 1-15% chance (ie. crapshot)
Reach: 16-30% chance
Match: 31-80%
Safety: 81-100%</p>
<p>But obviously, the tricky part is determining the chances.</p>
<p>I gave percentages as well.</p>
<p>A2Wolves6' percentages:
REACH 25-40%
MATCH 50-75%
SAFETY 75-100%</p>
<p>it is like dodo's. but Flavian's is stern.</p>
<p>thanks a lot for this post</p>