Difference between the Chemistry Course and the Chemistry major

<p>Guys, any idea what's the difference between the Chemistry course and the Chemistry major? The website doesn't say much. Thanks in advance for your help!</p>

<p>Chem course requires more chemistry classes--probably better if you plan to go into chemistry to a PhD.</p>

<p>Do the chemistry major, unless the prescribed semester for taking the first two years is the same. I made the chem course mistake and ended up delaying a course, putting me out of synch with my fellow chem major friends- we weren't in the same organic classes,etc. You can look at both and meet both requirements. By all means do the Honors courses if your'e eligible -they put you in grad lab spaces etc. My experiences were "eons" ago but I still get the Badger Chemist yearly and feel good about the dept. Have fun with Madison- it's agreat campus!</p>

<p>According to the Chem department manager, she said the chemistry course leads to ACS certification. I therefore guess that the chemistry major does not lead to ACS certification.</p>

<p>Addenda, the chemistry majors went on to PhDs- no correlation with chem course /major that I've ever heard of. Make use of the diverse offerings and take as many out of major courses as you can. There will be plenty of time to focus solely on chemistry in grad school.</p>

<p>Repeat-do not delay taking courses if suggested by the chem course. Do not limit yourself to the chem course-add its requirements to the major. Keep flexibility for future courses you won't even consider until semesters from now.</p>