Differential Equations Online over Summer

<p>I'm thinking of taking differential equations online over the summer at my community college. This would be the only class I'd be taking during the period of time (I'll be working too, but only about 20hrs/week), it's crammed into 6 weeks. My only other option would be to take it over the fall along with a few other high level classes, so I'm thinking it would be better to take it during the summer. Though it'll be faster paced, I can focus 100% of my academic attention on it. Does this sound like a good idea to DiffEQ veterans? Also, how hard is the class?</p>

<p>For me DE was more of a memory test rather than a mathematical aptitude test. However, I personally would not take this in a 6 week course. I took Calculus II in 6 week summer course and I loathed it. I ended up getting an A- but I believe these fundamental math courses should be taken over regular terms so that you can get the best possible understanding of the material. It is definitely doable, but I would just take it over the Fall.</p>

<p>DiffEq was one of the easiest classes I ever took. One of my coworkers who is a very smart guy looked at me like I was an alien when I said that because he thought it was one of the hardest he took. So I would see no problem doing it in 6 weeks. Also, I always liked taking short session classes. But I made a *** face when I saw the combination of DiffEq, online, and community college. I just don’t see that as an effective a learning experience.</p>