Diffrence between MIT, Berkley, Georgia Tech and Stanford?

<p>I can see the headlines now:</p>

<p>Study finds freshman class at Stanford in top 10% of graduating high school class, Stanford seniors see better opportunities post-graduation than 80% of college graduates!</p>



<p>Yes. You will have a bachelor’s degree from Georgia Tech.</p>

<p>Let me clarify my “safety” comment. I was not talking that this was a safety school to all the kids in his HS. I was referring to students that were qualified, all in the top 10% of this HS ( all top 10% still have an A average by the way). Most of these students would not see a GT acceptance (and I am not trying to put GT down by any means) as prestigious as a Stanford acceptance.</p>


<p>That’s fair, it is a much more selective school (as are the Ives) that GT. However, for any would be engineers in that top 10%, most would think of GT as a match, while Stanford, Caltech and MIT are reaches. If you’re going to one of the Ivies (other than Cornell), chances are you’re not interested in an undergrad engineering degree.</p>

<p>If your HS is similar to my D and S’s Florida HS, I bet a significant number of the best students are also looking at Vanderbilt, Cornell and Carnegie Mellon for engineering.</p>