Hi everyone!
So I got accepted for Digital Art & Game Design, and would like to see if there’s anyone on here with the same majors, so we can have a thread to talk about the majors and just generally college life.
I will be an international transfer (sophomore) and living on campus for at least my first semester.
Is anyone else in a similar situation? ^.^
Hi! I’m starting my freshman year this fall at Northeastern with the same major 
I’ll be going to the first orientation event coming up in a couple weeks.
Question: have you had the chance to look at laptops yet? I hear we’ll need a good quality gaming one.
@aeko47 Hi! 
I will actually be a transferring sophomore, or something of the sort at least! I got different orientation days, so mine isn’t until august 30.
As I’ve already done a year of game design, I can tell you that you absolutely need a decent computer. I got a new one a couple months ago anyway and just went for the best I could afford, but I have no idea what the classes at Northeastern will require!
If you want the most bang for your buck in a computer, a desktop is definitely the way to go. Gaming laptops tend to be bulky, expensive, and have short battery life, though having something portable is definitely a plus. By building a desktop from components (not super hard with a little research), you can get a desktop probably twice as powerful as a desktop for the same price. (Graphics, in particular, are usually the bottleneck on laptops.)
For me it was simply a financial choice. I don’t have the cash to buy two seperate machines, and buying a desktop wasn’t an option as I need a portable device for class. I actually got my gaming laptop for about as much as a good desktop would have cost me, and I haven’t had any problems performance wise. If you can afford it, getting both is obviously more convenient.