Dining Hall

<p>Just finished BB orientation and paid my schedule; however, I did not see a “meal plan” charge. When can i eat in the dining halls using my id card?</p>

<p>If anything, you can go to the dining hall and ask the cashier to check to see if you have a meal plan. While there is an option in their system to check for a meal plan, they can also just try to swipe your card for a meal plan meal and see if the system accepts the swipe.</p>

<p>Are you sure that there isn’t a meal plan charge? You can just go to a dining hall, swipe your card, and see if it works. </p>

<p>You are an incoming frosh, right?</p>

<p>Yeah kinda weird. I was charged my meal plan yesterday, yet it wasn’t on my balance. I went this morning to eat at a dining halll and it did swipe valid. </p>

<p>Further info: My father paid the full balance after BB yesterday aug 14… checking again this morning I have another outstanding balance, which was the meal plan charge. Not complaining but saying just kinda unusual.</p>

<p>It’s not unusual, just takes a little while for all the charges for all the different departments to catch up with the final bill. </p>

<p>FWIW, your meal plan charge might not be due until October as charges assessed after schedule confirmation, except for course fees, aren’t due until the first billing period of that semester. Contact the Office of Student Receivables to be sure.</p>

<p>Thanks. Will try to find what is the first billing period…</p>

<p>I paid my son’s charges at about 3:30 PM Friday right after he got scheduled at Bama Bound. The meal plan charges were not on there at that time either. However, they apparently got loaded on the system later in the day because they appear on his next statement as viewed thru My Bama. We spoke today and he said he had no problem over the weekend with his meal plan.</p>