Directed Studies?

I’m a current U1 (but once my credits go through this semester I should be U2). I saw I was able to sign up for a directed studies course (485); however, the course also states that I need junior/senior classification and approval of department head. I was able to sign up for it, meaning those restrictions didn’t stop me from signing up from the course (to clarify, under “Restrictions/Details”, the only restriction is “May not be enrolled in English Language Institute”, however when clicking “View Catalog Entry”, the junior/senior classification and approval restrictions are named).

I was wondering how I was able to sign up for this course, and what are directed studies in the first place.

It is typically one-on-one research with a faculty member.

Generally the process of enrolling in 485 is initiated by the professor not the student. For example, you could be in some difficult course where you are at the top of your class in every test and the professor gets impressed by your participation in class discussions and knowledge of the subject. So after the finals that professor may decide to offer you to to do research under his or her direction . Then by working with that professor, you could get credit for your work under directed studies 485