Directions to Gordon-Palmer Hall

<p>OK, sorry to pester y’all, but you are all so helpful that I cain’t he’p myself. :)</p>

<p>The kids are supposed to pick up their NMF laptops at Gordon Palmer Hall tomorrow (Tues) at 10 a.m. I remember passing this building several times this past weekend, and I seem to recall that it was close to Ten Hoor, Comer, etc. Looked it up on the interactive map and tried to get directions (starting from Riverswide East), but the map’s computer brain thought I meant Riverside, California…LOL! (And I asked for walking directions, too. That would be one heck of a walk.)</p>

<p>Can anyone provide somewhat more usable directions? THANKS in advance!</p>

<p>(DS does not have easy access to the interactive map because he has only a cell phone, not a smartphone…although he could easily use one of the hilli9on-bajillion computers all over the campus…d’uh!)</p>

<p>No, not close to Ten Hoor.</p>

<p>Gordon Palmer is east of Lloyd Hall and Nott Hall (on the other side of Hackberry).</p>

<p>[Full</a> Campus Map - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>8-k on this map…</p>

<p>Walk south from Riverside use walking bridge if necessary, keep walking to the Gorgas Library/Quad, then head east, pass between Smith Hall and Lloyd Hall, cross Hackberry, and there is GP.</p>

<p>Tell him to stand directly in front of Gorgas Library (facing the library). Then turn to the right and walk straight ahead. He’ll cross one street (6th ave) and when he crosses the next street (Hackberry) Gordon Palmer will be on his right.</p>

<p>Tell him top stop for cars though so he doesn’t get run over :-)</p>


<p>True…but make sure he understands that the “front” of Gorgas Library is on the Quad side.</p>

<p>I remember Gordon Palmer as being the building behind Lloyd Hall. One must walk through its parking lot to get to Bryant Dining Hall from Nott Hall.</p>

<p>Thank y’all!!!</p>

<p>Does anyone know the room # where the kids will be picking up the laptop? DS has it on hand somewhere, but other folks need to know. Apparently the letter informing folks of the arrangements did not reach everyone. They really should have emailed the kids’ MyBama accounts along with sending the snail-mail. :(</p>

<p>D’s letter says Gordon Palmer Room 208 for the 1:00 pick up.</p>

<p>Thanks much!!!</p>

<p>I think that once again this year they have divided the students into smaller groups – my D goes at 10:30 to pick up her laptop.</p>

<p>I wonder whether it’s alphabetical? DS’s surname begins with K, and his time is 10:00 a.m… I ask only because someone else needs to know – their letter never arrived. I’m thinking that, if you don’t know your assigned time, maybe you can go anytime…? I mean, surely provisions will be made for everyone to get his / her laptop, even if there was a glitch with the notification letter.</p>

<p>^^^ Checked with my D and her time is 1:00 PM, so definitely different groups.</p>