disabled siblings

<p>Hello. My younger brother is disabled with cerebral palsy, which I have aided him with my entire life. Now, I have generally avoided mentioning this in my college applications, because I feel like i might be using his disability. But, if I were to write a letter to the university detailing the circumstance... would they take that into consideration?</p>

<p>Check out the New York Times opinion piece titled “The Subject of the Sibling,” about a son’s college essay on his brother, February 9, 2010. Very moving article. If it’s well written, shows insight, and moves the reader, why not?</p>

<p>So you’re applying next year, or this is for your application this year? </p>

<p>If it was for this year (isn’t this a bit late?), you should have included that on your application, under the second statement. Would have been the perfect place for it. Might be too late now, and again, it should have been included on the application.</p>

<p>If this is for next year: If you genuinely feel helping your brother has impacted your academic career, do it. You would probably benefit from them knowing this, and it’s what the second statement is asking to know. If you’re trying to scam them? Well, no one can stop you from it, but it’s low.</p>