Disadvantage for non US citizens

<p>are there disadvantages for permanent residents when applying for law schools? if there's another US citizen applicant with same gpa and LSAT scores, will he/she be preferred over me?</p>

<p>permanent residents for all intents and purposes seem to be treated equal to citizens for most admissions processes.
straight up foreign students, i don’t know. i know that the schools are not required to report your stats to the LSAC, so they may be going beyond numbers more than they would with other students. i am an F-1er, and I ended up at a school where, numerically, I have no business being at… haha.</p>

<p>but seriously, it’s one of those, just apply situations. nothing you can do to change your citizenship status, right? even if it’s detrimental, whachagondoboutit?
just apply and gl.</p>

<p>btw, it would seem that NU is especially generous with the internationals.</p>