Disappearing threads?

I noticed that some threads I have been following are suddenly labeled “Thread Not Found.” As far as I can tell, there was nothing in them that violated the TOS or were in any way offensive or revealing. Does this happen from time to time? From what I can tell, the OP’s entire posting history is gone as well.

If I wasn’t supposed to bring this up here, I apologize. I really wasn’t sure where to raise the question. Thanks.

Is it the whole thread which seems to generate this message, or just a message you get when you click on some specific person’s name who showed up as having given the last response to that thread?

If you go back into your notifications list and click on a response other than the one you did which rendered the message, you may get a different response.

The entire thread is gone. I had bookmarked the thread and when I went back to my notifications to find it again, it came up “thread not found.” I tried several different notifications and the result is the same each time. The person who started the thread seems to have vanished.

I’ve had a few threads disappear from my “bookmarks” this weekend. Not sure if it’s the same issue, but I can’t seem to find them (and they weren’t short). Even if they were “moved” to another category wouldn’t they still show up in my bookmarks?

Hmm. Now I will go into some of my more controversial bookmarked threads and look.

RETURNING: Seems I don’t actually * have * any controversial threads bookmarked, and the one I was sure should be there is nowhere to be found. It was extraordinarily gnarly.

Sorry, @3girls3cats.

Try this…go to CC on your computer. If you can find a post with this person’s screenname…run your cursor over their avatar. If it says banned…maybe some of their threads or posts were removed.

There are lots of reasons a poster might disappear.