Disappointed and a little sad (merit scholarship confusion)

<p>I was encouraged to apply to UA by some very enthusiastic Alabama parents. So, I sent in my application as quickly as possible, and I made sure all my items were postmarked by the January 6th scholarship date (which I confirmed was a postmarked by date via the admissions office). I began to get really into the school! I went on a trip with my Dad last weekend and stopped by as we were traveling to our destination. Alabama’s campus was absolutely phenomenal and completely blew away my expectations. When a student tab appeared on myBama I was very, very excited.
I received my letter two days ago without any notification of the oos automatic merit scholarships. myBama tells me I wasn’t awarded any scholarships. My counselor told me to call the admissions office and check on why this occurred. I have left two voicemail messages to the scholarship officers without a callback. When I called the admissions office on the 6th, I told them that my transcript would be postmarked on that day’s date. They said that it was fine. Apparently that was not the whole truth.
I am super concerned because Alabama is one of the few schools that I can afford due to a weird financial situation. I would need those merit scholarships to attend. No one in the general admissions office can help, and I keep getting forwarded to a person that apparently exists in voicemail exclusively.
Do merit scholarships like the presidential one come at a later time? I was told that they come with the letter…
Any help would be appreciated</p>

<p>If you made the deadline & have the scores, it’s automatic. My D received a letter via snail mail about 1 month later. She still has no schilarship available on her student tab.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Who are they telling you to call?</p>

<p>My son has gotten both the presidential and the Engineering however it does not say anything about it on his MyBama page. I called and asked about that and was told not to worry all is well
Each item comes in a separate letter. Cal the scholarship office to confirm.</p>

<p>I received my letter two days ago without any notification of the oos automatic merit scholarships. myBama tells me I wasn’t awarded any scholarships.</p>

<p>Don’t panic yet.</p>

<p>MyBama is NOW only showing scholarships for CURRENT students…NOT future ones.</p>

<p>Scholarships do NOT come in the mail with acceptances.</p>

<p>I concur with the previous posters. I applied and filled out the application for scholarships in November and received letters detailing my scholarships, but MyBama does not display any of them. That is completely normal.</p>

<p>I was told that they come with the letter…</p>

<p>??? Who told you that? They don’t come with the letter. Admissions and Scholarships are TWO SEPARATE offices. Scholarships come in an envelope by themselves.</p>

<p>And again, MyBama does NOT show the scholarship awards of current high school students. They only show the scholarships of CURRENT BAMA students. </p>

<p>What state are you in? Let’s find your area rep.</p>

<p>Jonathan Hurt is your regional recruiter. Please contact him and ask him to find out about your scholarship.</p>

<p><a href=“mailto:jhurt@em.ua.edu”>jhurt@em.ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Just tell him that you met the deadlines, that you’ve been accepted, and you’re wondering when you’ll get your award. Provide your stats and your CWID number and home address. You can tell him that you’re a bit concerned and ask him to check for you. Be very polite. </p>

<p>Also, send an email to Amber Capell Include your CWID and home address</p>

<p><a href=“mailto:amber.capell@ua.edu”>amber.capell@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>she’s in charge of the Scholarships office</p>


<p>I received my letter two days ago without any notification of the oos automatic merit scholarships.</p>

<p>there often is a few days lag between the letters (acceptance and scholarship)</p>

<p>Somebody (intern) on admissions told me about them coming together. Sorry I seemed so immediate, I am just really worried as this is one of my only financial great options. You guys are the best!</p>

<p>I hope all works out for you. I do want to let you know, as a parent, that these things should not be left to the last moment. One goof, and you can be done and this is for guranteed awards. For a lot of awards with deadlines you could be toast.</p>

<p>I think you’ll be just fine. My son’s various letters (7 in all!) came one at a time over the course of about three weeks. Save any letters and the postmarked envelopes as they arrive so you have proper documentation should any problems arise.</p>

<p>Don’t cha just love those people who never seem to be in the office? Whenever I try to reach a state government official, it ALWAYS goes to voice mail. I sometimes wonder if our calls go to some wasteland of voice mail, cause very often, I never get a call back.</p>

<p>As a State government official, I am often away from me desk in meetings like most other professionals. I also return all phone calls by the next business day. As a government official, I sometimes find it frustrating when “Joe tax payer” expects so much more from us. For example, how many of your companies let you go early on Christmas Eve? I worked until 5:00 pm because “Joe tax payer” expects nothing less. </p>

<p>Sorry- guess you hit a nerve.</p>

<p>No need to worry just yet. The scholarship doesn’t show up on mybama until later.</p>

<p>Daughter received acceptance letter separate from scholarship letter. Scholarship letter was not sent until March 14 and I’m pretty sure it didnt show up in her mybama until then.</p>

<p>Also, you’ll want to make sure that once it does show up on mybama, that you must accept scholarship by May 1st or your scholarship will be canceled.</p>

<p>I double checked dates on my daughters letters. She first received a letter from the office of admissions on Sept 28 saying she was accepted, then a separate letter on Oct 1 saying she qualified for the presidential scholarship, then a third letter dated Oct 2 from the college of arts and sciences saying she was accepted into their college. As I posted above, the official scholarship letter didn’t come until March and wasn’t on mybama until then.</p>

<p>It’s the same for my son. Every letter came separately in the course of a month after the initial acceptance letter, honors acceptance came next, a couple of other letters in between before the letter offer of scholarships, and we just got the engineering college’s acceptance letter a few days ago.</p>