<p>In past Indians have made this kind of thread so I though I'd make it. People who have heard back from early schools comment here.
I applied ED to Cornell and EA to Gatech, Purdue, UMich.
What about you all?</p>
<p>hey have applied for ED to Purdue, Penn State and UIUC. RD to Cornell, Gatech, UC,UMich and MIT (lol). For now accepted by Penn State
and yeah have also applied to UT,Austin.</p>
<p>@fbhsfhthj what were your stats that got you accepted at penn state?</p>
<p>Congrats on acceptance @fbhsfhthj!</p>
<p>SAT 1(superscore): 2000
SAT 2: 2380(M2:790 P:790 C:800) (Though I don’t think so Penn State considers these)
GPA: 3.7/5 in 11th and 12th(till 2nd term) (ISC board)
10th: 93.3% in ICSE
IELTS band score of: 7.5 .
Decent EC’s.
That’s all I guess. Penn Sate is not very choosy. </p>
<p>@BetterThanBest Thanks a lot :)</p>
<p>@fbhsfhthj thanks. And congrats on your admission.hope to congratulate you at least a couple more times…best of luck!!</p>
<p>@Heisenberg98 Thanks a ton! </p>
<p>You guys heard from Purdue??</p>
<p>NCSU early is out yesterday.</p>
<p>@fbhsfhthj: Got in Purdue, rejected at Cornell</p>
<p>@BetterThanBest Cornell is very tough to get into man, hard luck… Anyway congrats for Purdue Even I got in at Purdue
All the best for the rest of your decisions :)</p>