<p>My high school teacher can't keep anything organized. He hasn't fixed any of my grades that he mis-entered, and his class is a disoriented mess.</p>
<p>A few days ago, I was looking in the class inbox, where you put absent assignments, and I found my test. This test was from 2 months ago, and I had taken it a few days later than everyone else since I had transferred into his class. </p>
<p>At the time, everyone had received their grades promptly, but when I asked him about my score, he said that he would get it back to me as soon as possible. Sounds fine right? Teachers are busy and all that.</p>
<p>Well, it took him a month for him to enter the grade (he said he couldn't find it at first but then did), and when I asked him for it back, he said that he had left it at home. I didn't follow up on it because chasing after him has done nothing this entire year.</p>
<p>Well, anyway, my test is buried in the inbox but there was absolutely no grading on it (it was multiple choice and an essay). How should I deal with this? I know the test was 2 months ago but still feel its outrageous that he wouldn't take the time to grade my test.</p>
<p>My D’s biology teacher was like that. As she is also somewhat disorganized, it was really kind of a nightmare (no telling who lost a given assignment, but someone always did…). I think it depends on what your grade was… if you are happy with the grade you got (if he gave you an A because he didn’t want to admit that he lost it), I would probably take that. If you get a bad grade on something, be sure you get the paper back from him so you can check it out.</p>
<p>I don’t really think you can do anything about it… maybe after the year is over, you could complain to the administation and give them this example. This ONE example would rarely get a teacher in big trouble, but administrators do look for patterns, and this info could be helpful to them. </p>
<p>In our case the bio teacher was supposed to make a change to her grade after the semester was over (she had papers he had graded, but he had not recorded them in the internet grading system, so she was showing Fs that dragged her grade down). She showed him the papers (graded in his handwriting). He promised to change the grade, but didn’t get it done for weeks. She emailed him a couple of times, then I emailed him. He kept saying he would do it, but did not… I finally emailed the school office, and got a reply that indicated that they were not at all surprised at this issue, and that they would get him to fix it. It was done within 24 hours. So from that I infer that the office knew perfectly well that this guy was an organizational disaster.</p>
<p>@ intparent:</p>
<p>He gave me a B- so I wasn’t too happy with that - I should’ve mentioned it in the OP. Beyond frustrated with not only the test but the class in general… I’ll definitely make a complaint after the year is over but I’m a senior so it’s all about those first semester grades.
<p>I was thinking of going to my principal but she seems sick of hearing complaints about my teacher. After a barrage of complaints, my principal delivered a speech for my class to “suck it up and do the work, this class is hard but you’re the ones that decided to take it.” - not exactly sympathetic.</p>
<p>Unfortunately there are some incompetent teachers. Try to correct the situation with the teacher, and get immediate results (not “I’ll take care of it later”), or else raise it to the Principal. The administration is usually defensive of the teachers so make sure you have your points written down and that they’re clear cut - like this ungraded test sitting in an inbox for months. If you get shut out then involve your parents in this - they pay more attention to parents than to students.</p>
<p>If you want this to have any effect you need to take care of it right away - don’t wait until the end of the year.</p>
<p>This is seriously not good. His inability to put himself together can cost your grades. You have to consciously look out for that and be on him to give you the right grades.</p>