Distribution Requirements

Interested to hear thoughts of Kenyon students/parents/staff of the distribution requirements particularly in regard to the one credit in one department in each of the four divisions. Can someone explain that to me a little bit? Looking at the Kenyon website I am failing to understand it completely. Tour guide explained you have to take two connected classes in various distribution areas… my words not hers. I took it as if you took Biology ABC then you have to take Biology DEF to complete the requirement. Looking online at the catalog I can’t discern what classes meet what distribution requirements. I’m probably a big dummy, so borrowing from my comedian son, explain it to me like I am 6!!! For example website says Quantitative Reasoning classes are marked QR in the catalog, but in looking online at the catalog I don’t see that. Appreciate a clear explanation on the general ed distribution requirements at Kenyon or point me in the right direction online for an explanation.

And while I’ve got you, thoughts on the foreign language program for the language requirement. We liked the explanation at the info session… seemed like a more immersive approach. Good thing, bad thing? Seems like you need to jump in deep if you are really going to pick up a second language. Great program or overwhelmingly stressful? Kid would like to switch from Spanish to German.


Found most of the answer in the above previous CC discussion… assuming the information is still accurate today.

That thread does a good job of explaining the distribution requirements. Said a slightly different way, if you choose dance to fulfill your arts requirement, you must take two dance classes. A dance class and a studio art class won’t do it.
QR really is quite easy to fulfill. I wouldn’t sweat that one at all.
My son switched languages and is in Spanish now. Four days a week is total immersion, and four nights a week in a tutorial. He’s not thrilled, but if he learns Spanish, I will be.

Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.

Look for the QR, such as in examples here:
