Distribution Requirements?

<p>Hello, I am a confused kid who will be enrolling next fall… so please help me </p>

<li><p>Are there any specific required courses other than writing courses? </p></li>
<li><p>Are foreign languages part of distribution requirements? </p></li>
<li><p>How many credit hours/number of courses must a student take each semester? </p></li>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>Each major has its own set of requirements - if you’re an Arts and Science major, you can see the checklists [url=<a href=“http://www.advising.jhu.edu/checklists.html]here[/url”>http://www.advising.jhu.edu/checklists.html]here[/url</a>]; for Engineering, check department websites. Distribution requirements mean that a science student has to complete X credits of humanities/social sciences classes and a humanities major has to complete Y credits of math and science classes. In addition, all Arts and Sciences majors must complete 12 credits of writing intensive classes, and all Engineers have to complete 6 credits of writing intensive. Writing intensive classes can fit other parts of your distribution requirements, and they can even be classes that count towards your major. As far as foreign languages, only a few majors require foreign languages. If you want to take foreign language classes, the “Elements” classes don’t actually count towards your distribution requirements if you’re in the School of Arts and Sciences, though higher level classes do. (For Engineers, the Elements classes do count, even though the course schedule doesn’t have it indicated)</p>

<p>As for number of credits per semester,


<p>Just a recommendation … if you are an admitted student for the Class of 2013 … you should ask your questions on the Johns Hopkins Class of 2013 Facebook Group. There is a ton of helpful information for future enrolling students there, and over 20 current students (including tanman) who can answer any questions, including those about course selection in the future.</p>