<p>Glad to hear that your parents’ divorce decree mandates the $10k payments. However, since these are your parents, and such payments might be difficult for them, it would be a good thing to find a good school with good merit so that you won’t have to depend on their 10k payments. It is very hard (emotionally and financially) to sue your parents if one or both has a worsening financial situation in the next few years. </p>
<p>Also, since it is very likely that your parents EFC will exceed the $10k each that they are legally required to pay, you really need to look at some full-ride options so that you won’t have to take out excessive amounts of student loans to cover your F/A PLUS the EFC shortfall. That could easily be $35k per year in loans for a $55k per year school. An F/A package is very likely going to include student loans. I don’t think it’s a good idea for any undergrad to borrow $120k for school.</p>
<p>OK…So, UNC-Chapel Hill is your local in-state safety (Boy, a lot of kids would LOVE that!
) But, I understand that it’s your “local” school and you’d rather go away to school. I know some NMF kids whose parents work at Duke, and they’d get a great discount, but they chose to accept a full-ride at UAlabama because they wanted to go away to school. They can go to Duke for grad school, because they won’t mind living at home then. LOL</p>
<p>It sounds like you need more than one financial safety because UNC doesn’t fulfill your wishes to “go away”. So, apply to one or two more financial safeties that will allow for that experience. There is a thread that lists full-rides for NMFs. My son is an NMF, and he also chose the full-ride at UAlabama. He loves it there; the academics are strong, and the social aspect is very good for him. He’s in the Computer-Based Honors Program - a very academically competitive program - avg ACT is a 33). My younger son chose to go there, too, after seeing DS1’s happiness level there.</p>
<p>Also, since you have such high stats, you might want to apply to one “financial match” that has a competitive full-ride scholly (for instance, at Rice, Vandy, or Emory). Personally, I’m not a big fan of competitive schollies because you often have to put forth a lot of effort (including a trip for an interview) for a small chance of getting an award. However, if going to such a school is important to you, the effort may be worth it.</p>
<p>In the long run, I think it would be best for you to pursue some good merit money that would cover most/all of your school expenses to minimize your need to depend on your parents. Since it sounds like your mom’s assets are significantly less than your dad’s, it would be nice if she could spend the next few years improving her financial situation.</p>
<p>Another option…is it possible that if you get good merit $$ for undergrad that you could then use some of your parents’ $$ for grad school? Perhaps you could get your parents to sign something that would delay their expected payments until grad school. This would give them 4 years to get their own financial situations in order.</p>
<p>Here are some colleges that give good merit $$ to NMF</p>
<p>U of Alabama (NMF full ride )
Auburn U <a href=“full%20tuition+%20guaranteed”>AL</a>
U of Arizona (full ride guaranteed)
Arizona State U (NMF in-state full ride [15k] & OOS full tuition+ [23k], NMSF in-state full tuition+ [9k] & OOS 10.5k guaranteed)
U of Central Florida (NMF full tuition+ & NMSF 9k guaranteed)
Florida A&M U (NMF OOS full tuition guaranteed - other qualifications, see University Scholarships - Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University 2009)
U of South Florida (NMF full ride competitive - <a href=“http://usfweb2.usf.edu/Admissions/pd...on-florida.pdf[/url]”>http://usfweb2.usf.edu/Admissions/pd...on-florida.pdf</a> | <a href=“http://usfweb2.usf.edu/Admissions/pd...an-florida.pdf[/url]”>http://usfweb2.usf.edu/Admissions/pd...an-florida.pdf</a>)
University of Idaho (NMF full ride competitive [25])
Ball State U <a href=“NMF%20full%20ride%20guaranteed”>IN</a>
Eastern Kentucky U (in-state full ride & OOS full tuition- guaranteed)
U of Kentucky (full ride 1st year & full tuition+ remaining 3 years guaranteed)
Mississippi State U (NMF full tuition+ )
U of Southern Mississippi (NMF/SF full ride competitive)
U of Nebraska-Lincoln (full tuition+ guaranteed)
Ohio State U (full tuition competitive)
U of Oklahoma (full tuition+ guaranteed)
Texas Tech U (OOS full tuition [12.7k] guaranteed)</p>
<p>Baylor U (full tuition guaranteed)
<em>Birmingham-Southern C (full tuition and competitive for more)
^</em>Denison U (full tuition competitive)
^Fordham U (full tuition+ competitive)
^Northeastern U (full tuition competitive)
^*U of Tulsa (full ride competitive [70-80])</p>