Do colleges actually care about the extra information section?

I have a 3.6 unweighted, where I had a lot of B’s in freshman and sophomore year from unmedicated ADD. After sophomore year I had to start trying to get medication, and by the end of junior fall I got a prescription. After getting ADD meds I got straight A’s but it’s only in my junior spring and senior fall… will colleges read or care about this info? I take high level classes, and every honors class offered at my school.

Personally, I wouldn’t include it.

Upward trend is good but your grades are your grades. There’s no certainty that if you were on medication your grades would have been better - so it could be seen as making excuses.

It depends on the type of college if it even be looked at - some admit by grades, others are subjective.

Be proud of your record as it is.

Good luck whatever you decide.


I would not classify ADHD as a mental health issue (which is the subject of the video you posted) – ADHD is a learning disability.


Totally disagree. Use every section you can to paint yourself in a positive light. Use that section not as an excuse though. Use it to say like- once I realized I had a proper diagnosis and treatment, I was able to handle the workload and my GPA flourished. Please reword this but a simple one liner. What might be better is having your counselor discuss this and you state something positive in that section about yourself that is not on your application.

My two cents is there is never going to be an unconditional answer to a question like that. At some colleges in some situations, it might help give them confidence you are a good bet to do well at their college, and that might make the difference between admitting you or not. In other situations it may not make a difference, including both nice scenarios (where your transcript was already good enough for them), and the not-so-nice scenarios (where your application was deemed not good enough as a whole even taking this issue into account).

My advice would therefore be to briefly describe this issue in a very matter of fact way. And also make sure to apply to some colleges which will be likely and affordable admits for you even if they make no accommodation for this issue.

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