<p>So I spent freshmen and half of sophomore year in community college and successfully transferred to University of Southern California (USC). I attended the house tours at the start of rush week and really liked what was going on at Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) but due to a clash in class schedule, I wasn't able to attend the first day of rush activities for spring '13 rush and upon returning on the second day, was told that the subsequent events were only for rushees who attended the first day.</p>
<p>I would like to try again next semester in the fall but would be a junior by then and would like to ask: what are my chances of getting a bid at ATO? Or for the matter, at any other fraternity? I heard Theta Xi accepts juniors but then again I was also told they accept anyone in general. Can someone help me out here?</p>
<p>I would like to state as well that I am older than the general student populace as I am an international student who has been through the military, if that is a factor at all.</p>