Do I fill in my family information if I am independent?

I am under a legal guardianship which makes me independent. When I apply for summer program they usually require parent information and at times annual income. If it is asking for income from parents should I put $0? And if it is asking for annual income from parent/legal guardian do I then input my legal guardians income? I don’t find that fair as I am independent so my legal guardians income doesn’t matter. And also, since I have a legal guardian and she is not my biological mother, do I put information on my brothers and her if I am not technically related to them? Information usually requested is if they went to college. They haven’t, I am first generation so I usually put that. But technically I am not related to them. However, I know that no one in my bio family went to college either. Should I just leave it blank?

You say this is for a summer program?

What form are you completing?

The legal guardianship makes you an independent for FAFSA purposes. Other forms and programs can set their own requirements. If you are under 17, the program sponsors could very well want the information for your guardians.