Do i have a chance at RD???

<p>I think i am gonna apply for MCS
how's my chance?</p>

<p>I am Korean ( came to the U.S. 2 n 6months ago)</p>

<p>GPA : 4.0 unweighted about 4.3 weighted</p>

<p>SAT : CR-570 Math-800 Writing-670
SAT2 : Math 2 -780 Bio M-670 Korean-800</p>

<p>TOEFL : 253</p>

<p>Community service : volunteering at the hospital 3hrs a week since junior</p>

<p>Sport : varsity tennis since 10th</p>

<p>Clubs : Key club, Asian culture club, Math club</p>

<p>Award : County science fair </p>

<p>i kno my CR score is quite low
and extra activities are not that many....
but i think i did my best to get all As
since right after i came to the U.S. -_-
so.... what do you guys think?</p>

<p>Very good chance.</p>

<p>I know someone from my school who applied ED to MCS with that same exact verbal score and lower math score and he got in. Plus, you have a high gpa and decent ecs, so I wouldn't worry about it...</p>

<p>you have a decent chance. my SAT was 590 verbal 790 math and 700 writing as i am not native English speaker either, but i got into SCS early. your GPA is impressive. good job on that.</p>

<p>hey.. i applied ed to mcs and got in.. my stats were</p>

<p>790M 760V and 740W
and I had nice ec's.. but my gpa was significantly lower :</p>

<p>3.55 uw</p>

<p>I think what mcs emphasizes most is your science experience/grades and your math SAT and bio/chem/physics SAT II</p>