<p>I'm a korean male who came to states in 2000
i'm a green card holder
my high school is one of the best in california(top 5 i believe about 150/800 get into top schools(20 ivy leagues, about 60~70 to UC Berk,LA and 40~50 other schools like michigan)
my junior GPA is very low so i want UMICH to consider my
Senior First semester however, since UMICH is rolling
by the time my first semester grades are out
i' will have very limited chances..
if my senior year gpa is added in
my overall would most likely be around 3.7 w/ about 12 ap classes
and several C's from junior year(all APs) so unweighted GPA would make it VERY LOW
SAT is above 2200 and SAT IIs are Math IIC 760, Korean 800
and planning to take US history and PHysics and will try to get over 700
Pretty decent EC.
my school does not give class rank
Do i have any chance for LSA? i'm really worried!!
Also w/ my stats, what kind of top colleges can i look forward to get accepted?</p>
<p>Your 3.7 GPA, is it weighed or unweighed? Is it for just Sophomore and Junior year (Michigan does not look at Freshman grades)? What were your junior grades like? Why did you not do well Junior year? We need some answers before giving you accurate estimates. </p>
<p>Your SAT is good, and your SAT IIs aren't required or even considered, so do not worry about them. </p>
<p>For now, I will say Michigan is a match/reach, primarily because of the Cs you got Junior year.</p>