do i have a shot????

<p>Hi Guys, so I applied early to vt and got deferred and now I'm a little nervous as to whether I am going to get in or not, this is my dream school. Can you guys tell me if I have a shot of getting in and please be brutally honest I can handle it.</p>

gpa: 3.74
SAT: 1120 (on just the two)
class rank: 84
I am doing the full IB Diploma at my school and took an AP class
I am super in involved in lots of clubs at my school, inlcuding SCA
I have done tons of hours of community service
I played basketball my freshman and sophomore year</p>

<p>and my sister graduated from Tech in 2008</p>

<p>I want to major in biology</p>

<p>I am surprised you got deferred. I think you have a good chance.</p>

<p>… wow, I though hispanic & full ib & high gpa = guaranteed in
I don’t really think i have too much of a chance then. Asian\fullib\ 3.0 gpa weighted
sat is 1270 tho
Did you write essays? </p>

<p>Do you respond to them asking to rethink their decision?
surly they must have some reason to defer and unless something improves : (
good luck to you</p>

<p>If my essays you mean personal statements then yes I did write two of them and my gpa is weighted as well.</p>

<p>Um well my counselor called and said they were concerned with my math grade bc it was kind of low but I got it up a whole letter grade by mid-year reports so idk if that will help me though?</p>

<p>You definitely have a shot but it will be a close call–In 2009 1160 was the 25th percentile SAT score and a 3.71 GPA was 25th percentile rumblings indicate the numbers for 2010 will be higher

<p>see 2009 Stats below which were copied directly from the VT website</p>



<p>Average SAT: 1250 (1243)*
Mid-50% SAT***: 1160–1330
(SAT scores reflect critical reading and math section scores only)</p>

<p>*Numbers in parentheses include students offered admission from our waitlist. Data in parentheses current as of June 15, 2009. </p>

<p>**This means that 25% of freshmen offered admission to Virginia Tech had below a 3.71 GPA and 25% of freshmen offered admission had above a 4.15 GPA.</p>

<p>***This means that 25% of freshmen offered admission to Virginia Tech scored below 1160 on the SAT (combined critical reading and math) and 25% of freshmen offered admission scored above 1330 on the SAT ((combined critical reading and math). </p>

<p>Please note: These are not minimum requirements for admission to Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>It depends what major u applied for. If u want to do engineering and u have low math scores then that is probably why u got deferred</p>

<p>Well I want to major in biology</p>

<p>I got into JMU, do you think that JMU and VT are somewhat equivalent? like if I got into JMU, I have a good shot of getting into Tech?</p>

<p>JMU is much stranger than Virginia Tech with its admissions. VT’s numbers are 100 points higher in the SATs. </p>

<p>To give you a better idea, for the freshman classes for Virginia Tech, about 50% were in the top 10% of their high school classes, with 90% of the entire class being in the top 25%. JMU quotes this as simply 88% were in the top 1/3. </p>

<p>I see it like this in the state of Virginia. W&M/UVA get the A+ students, Virginia Tech gets the A- students, and JMU gets the B+ students. </p>

<p>Be that as it may, VT is more numerically based, and JMU seems to always want to see that ONE thing you were committed to in high school (eagle scout for me, a sport, newspaper, etc.).</p>