Do I have any chance whatsoever at Notre Dame?

<p>Look I know it's a reach but is it somehow possible that I can get in? Or is there literal 0% chance.</p>

<p>Male Public Connecticut</p>

<p>3.75 unweighted</p>

<p>15/190 class rank </p>


<p>My school offers only about 5 AP classes total. I have taken/taking three out of the five. The rest are all honors classes.</p>

<p>I am currently taking a "Principles of Chemistry I" class at Wesleyan University. I applied and was accepted into their High School Scholars Program. I plan on taking P of C II next semester.</p>

<p>Founder, former president, former vice-president, and current secretary of the Support Our Nation Club.</p>

<p>Founder and vice-president of the Tutoring Club</p>

<p>Former treasurer and current president of the International Culture Club.</p>

<p>Member of the National Honor Society.</p>

<p>Member of the Spanish Honor Society.</p>

<p>about 50 hours of community service</p>

<p>While you are at it. Do you mind chance me at these other schools...</p>

Boston U</p>

<p>Also, one are the chances I get into at least one or the other between Notre Dame and Boston College. They are my two ideal schools; however, I don't feel I have a chance at either.</p>

<p>nd- high match
bc- high match
villanova- match
gwu - high match
uconn- match
bu - high match</p>

<p>good job!</p>

<p>chance me back!</p>

<p>bump please</p>

<p>I’d give you a 10% chance at ND. The other schools on your list are well within your grasp.</p>

<p>ND- I’d say high match to low reach but depends on how essays are
BC-Another High Match to low reach
UConn-Low match-saftey
Boston U- Match little higher than Uconn and GWU</p>

<p>bump please</p>

<p>I would say…</p>

<p>ND- high match/low reach, (it’s possible, you never know)
BC- low reach/high match
Villanova- in
GWU- in
UConn- safety
Boston U- safety</p>