<p>white male from the great state of Connecticut</p>
<p>3.75 unweighted GPA (first quarter senior grades AP History A-, AP Calculus A-, British Literature Honors A)</p>
<p>ideal grade progression</p>
<p>1370 and 2070 on the SAT</p>
<p>15/190 class rank</p>
<p>All honors classes and 3 out of the 5 AP classes my schools has </p>
<p>I am a Wesleyan High School Scholar. Every other day I leave school and take “Principles of Chemistry I” there. I was accepted again for next semester, and I am taking “Principles of Chemistry II” next semester. I finished the course with one of the higher grades in the class with an A-/A. I am hoping they consider this because obviously Wesleyan is one of the best schools in the country, and it proves that I can succeed.</p>
<p>~40 hours of community service (probably the killer here)</p>
<p>Founder, former president, former vice-president, and current secretary/treasurer of the “Support Our Nation” Club</p>
<p>Founder and vice-president of the Tutoring Club</p>
<p>President and former treasurer of the International Culture Club</p>
<p>you look like an above average applicant…not excellent…but not average
40% chance</p>
<p>i’ve noticed that this is at least the 3rd time posting this because its at least the 3rd time i’ve read it. hahaha. don’t worry about it. i know its easier said than done but what other people think doesn’t matter. be confident. i didn’t think i even had a chance! and i got in early. so just relax bud.</p>
<p>Haha. You’re right. I seriously have OCD when it comes to this. I guess I just got to relax and what ever will be, will be.</p>
<p>exactly man. i was no wesleyan scholar, nor did i have the class rank or sat score that you had (did better on the ACT). everyone is different and there has to be something that stands out. and i think you’ll be fine. your chances are good i believe.</p>
<p>You only have 4 classes? That seems like it would make a school think that you’re getting lazy your senior year. Correct me if you have other classes and just didn’t list them, but why only 4?</p>
<p>Thanks cohen. </p>
<p>Schwartz, my school has the block schedule. 4 classes per semester/ 2 semesters per year. They are changing it to the normal schedule next year, but that’s not going to affect me. I hate the schedule, but I am lone in opinion. AP classes are full year and count as two credits. So here are my classes…AP US, AP Calc, PoC (Wesleyan), PoC II (Wesleyan), Brit. Lit. Honors, and Economics (This is my first non-honors academic class, but I had to take it to fulfill the social studies requirement.)</p>
<p>This is by far the most rigorous year anybody could I have in my school.</p>