do I have shot?

<p>does VT give out any scholarships or aid to international undergraduates?</p>

<p>Zimmer, ajayc's chances at top schools are fine. They are just as good as any other applicant. I believe that creating your own Linux distribution, winning international Olympiads, having almost straight A's, perfect satII's, and strong satI's (2200 is fine) will set him up well for hypsm. Honestly, what else could he or she have other than a cure for cancer?</p>

<p>Ha, ha, you are right, Ehiunno. I completely forgot the other part of his info. What was I thinking?! Given the full picture - sure he stands a chance. But the issue that he keeps raising over and over is the financial aid. VT costs about half that of some of these other schools, so he has less money to have to come up with each year. </p>

<p>Basically he needs to do alot more research directly with each school instead of relying on CC contributors to always give accurate information. After all, we (I, especially) make mistakes and God forbid my word be taken as gospel!! There is absolutely no telling ahead of time how much aid any given school will offer to him (which he seems to be wanting to find out). Added to that is that the whole package often includes a combination of loans, work/study, grants and scholarships. Many students accept the whole package because they don't have a choice. Some students don't want to work and lose that particular amount. Some students don't want to accept the loan part - who wants to graduate knowing they have to pay back thousands of dollars? But in the end, that's going to be up to each student to have to decide what is right for them.</p>

<p>Thanks for the correction, though, Ehiunno. Keep me on my toes!</p>

<p>No hard feelings Zimmer!</p>

<p>You're definitely right about the financial aid. One of the best things about Tech is that there are a ton of scholarships offered in the engineering department once you get there, though there are substantially less for freshman. Also, a lot of schools are stingy about giving financial aid to foreign students, so I would contact VT's office of financial aid as soon as possible. Try to contact every school you are interested in and ask them if they offer international aid.</p>

<p>thanks for the help you two :) I am writing a mail to VT Fin Dept now :D</p>

<p>can anyone please call them and ask? Cos they never seem to reply to my mails I have already sent around 3 mails the past 1 month!</p>

<p>there goes VT no funds for Intls :(</p>

<p>can someone please confirm this? VTEngg?</p>

<p>This is a really bad time for the admissions office. I am not entirely surprised that they have not emailed you back. Wait a month or so and call them, they should be able to respond then.</p>

<p>Honestly...I'm not too familiar with financial aid--my parents pay for college</p>

ur stats seem really gud but it would help a lot when u get ur own distro. i've heard of students make their distros and send their dvds with their apps, but if urs is DIFFERENT, and SUCCESSFUL to some extent, send it. it'll surely help a LOT.</p>

<p>hey man getting in should be no problem, but finance is!</p>

<p>Your gonna have to have a long talk with the office of financial aid at every school you apply to. If they don't give finaid to internationals, see if they will give merit scholarships to them and etc.</p>


<p>I just had a talk with another indian at VT. so this is the plan:</p>

<p>After I am admitted to VT the approx cost that comes per sem is $9500 I can earn a bit for my food and stuff. And after 1st sem. VT gives a scholarship to students thats around $1000. And he said getting internships is easy after 2nd semester that pays around $2500pm on an avg!!!!</p>

<p>there..!!! :D</p>