do I have shot?

<p>Well I am listing my ECs of the past 3 years I will leave out the rest:</p>

<p>-Won a Gold Medal in International Informatics Olypiad conducted by Silverzone
- Secured 2nd Rank in 7th International Level Science Talent Examination conducted by The Bangalore Science Forum.
-Secured 2nd Rank in National Cyber Olympiad in the State Level. national level on 11th feb
-Appointed School Captain recently.(promoted from a prefect)
-Awarded 'A' Certificate by National Cadet Corps
- Special appreciation by 'Leprosy Mission' for social work.
- Represented K V at the State Science Fair at IIT Kharagpur.
- Represented region at State for Ball Badminton.
- Appointed school basketball and volleyball team Captain.
-. Appointed School Captain at DPS, Rajkot.
- Choosen as a member of the Indian Ubuntu Linux Team.
- I Have started my own Linux User Group in my City
- I have my own Linux Distribtion coming up.
- Won many quiz at school level
- Was appreciated by LIFE - For social work for underprivileged people.</p>

<p>NCC is like ROTC and I have got a recommendation from the commanding officer too</p>

<p>Well I have kinda messed up my junior years grades I have an avg of 70%(but none of the marks grades are C) but I have been getting As before right from freshman yr. My final exam is not over yet, so still hope left. By the time I apply I will have given 2 exams of senior yr so I guess I can show improvement there.</p>

<p>I have really good recommendation letters too. So considering the above and that i get a decent score in SAT/SATII what are my chances at VT?</p>

<p>While your Extra-Curricular activities are important, Virginia Tech places more of an emphasis on your GPA and SAT scores. If you could post your stats then we could give you a better idea of your chances of being admitted.</p>

<p>So here are the statistics:</p>

<p>Class IX Scores(Grade 9):</p>

<li>English : 92%(A)</li>
<li>Hindi(Native Lang) : 88.5%(A)</li>
<li>Mathematics : 88.1%(A)</li>
<li>Science (Phy, Chem, Bio combined) : 95%(A)</li>
<li>Social Studies(includes Geography, History, Civics) : 83.3%(A)</li>
<li>Physical Education : A</li>
<li>Computer Science : A</li>

<p>Rank : 1st</p>

<p>Class X(Grade 10):</p>

<p>1.English : 90% (A)
2. Hindi : 63%(Oops) (B)
3. Mathematics : 87 (A)
4. Science
- Practicals - 25/25
- Theory - 72/75
Total% -> 97%(A)
5. Social Science
- Project Work - 20/20
- Theory - 73/80
Total% -> 93% (A)</p>

<li>Work Experience : A</li>
<li>Physical Education : A</li>

<p>Well in Class XI I have an avg of 75% but my final exams are not over yet, they are in march. And I guess just final exam scores matter as they have max marks as 100 and they cover the whole curriculum.</p>

<p>And yes my full list of ECs:</p>

<li>Won a Gold Medal in Informatics Olypiad conducted by SIlverzone</li>
<li>Secured 2nd Rank in 7th International Level Science Talent Examination conducted by The Bangalore Science Forum.</li>
<li>Represented Delhi Public School Rajkot at 'LISTEN- The Worlds First Conference on Childs Concerns'.
3.Secured 3rd Rank in National Cyber Olympiad.</li>
<li>Secured 7th position in Assesment of Scholastic Skills thorugh Education Testing</li>
<li>Was promoted to School Captain from School Prefect recently.</li>
<li>Awarded 'A' Certificate by National Cadet Corps</li>
<li>Special appreciation by 'Leprosy Mission' for social work.</li>
<li>Represented region at the State Science Fair at IIT Kharagpur.</li>
<li>Represented region at State for Volleyball and Ball Badminton.</li>
<li>Won state level debate organised by Hindi Samaj</li>
<li>Appointed school basketball and volleyball team Captain.</li>
<li>Appointed School Captain at DPS, Rajkot.</li>
<li>Choosen as a member of the Indian Ubuntu Linux Team.</li>
<li>I have my own customized linux distribution geared towards education (similar to edubuntu to be specific)</li>
<li>Founder of Linux User Group in my city.</li>
<li>Partcipated in AIDS awareness drive.</li>
<li>Special Appreciation by LIFE(Lower Income Family Emancipation) for social work.</li>
<li>Successfully participated in Environment Week in our city.</li>
<li>Finalist of Environment Quiz Contest conducted by Environment Education Council for Children Delhi Public School Society.
20 4th Rank in State Level Quiz Competition conducted by Rajkumar College Rajkot.
I have an avg of 2100 on practice SAT tests, so that should give u some idea</li>

<p>I'm not sure how your scores translate - letter grades look great, all As and Bs, but the numerical values don't sound good. A 63% is a D here! </p>

<p>If your actual SAT score is high, then maybe you'll be in better shape. </p>

<p>VT seems to put more emphasis on the GPA and SAT and much, much less on the ECs, whereas other schools weigh them all as important factors.</p>

<p>Well I am in India. So marking is kinda harsh here. Passing marks are 35%</p>

<p>Most people fudge their Extra Curriculars anyway--come on..its true</p>

<p>so are there any financial aid for internationals? like scholarships grants?</p>

<p>anybody else on my chances?</p>

<p>ok VTEngg Considering that I have really good scores on SAT- around 2200 and nice scores on SATII Math IIC-800 and phy 800 and chem - 800 ? </p>

<p>What are my chances of being accepted during early decision? and that 63% is in hindi man come on! how does it matter to VT that I got 63 in hindi. I topped my school in science! </p>

<p>And one more thing, in our school we have these 40 marks tests every alternate months. I kinda suck on that, they set those really tough. I have 65% on them and still I have rank of top 10%. But the final exams covering the whole syllabus and are of 100 marks. i think I am going to score really well on them(they are in march) so should I send in an explanation that those were really tough or do they just look how i end the year?</p>


<p>In general, schools only look at your end of year grades from 9th - 11th, except your senior year, when they expect to see your mid year grades (to make sure you aren't slacking off, of course). You will also have to send your end of year senior grades as well. I wouldn't worry too much about the "translation" of grades, especially if the letter grades are what show up on your transcript. Your SATs look great. ED- you certainly look to be in excellent shape. I would relax. What makes VT your love? Why VT in particular?</p>

<p>hey Zimmer07 that was one reassuring reply thanks!</p>

<p>well I obviously cant visit VT, but yeah I have been looking at all the videos available, reading every stuff that I can get my hands on abt VT, another thing that i really love abt VT is that they provide a double major in aerospace and ocean engg!</p>

<p>Zimmer aro you in some college? or will apply?</p>

<p>I'm a mom whose son's first choice is VT Engineering. We visited and he loved the campus, loved the whole feel - large school, but with a smaller school feel to it. The variety of majors offered appealed to him since he doesn't really know what he wants to do. </p>

<p>For what it is worth, my parents live an hour away and have visited the campus many times (vet school/hospital for medical emergency for their giant breed dog as well as some art functions) and every time they comment on the pleasantness and attractiveness of students and faculty alike. School spirit is also amazing.</p>

<p>If you love the school and are sure it is your number one choice, apply ED - you look like a shoo-in. The cost for out of state students is so much less than many other schools, and I imagine that financial aid will be available if you qualify (you won't need as much since the cost is less). If you qualify, there is also the Davenport Leaders/Dean's Scholars program. Davenport awards 5-7 students a scholarship renewable all four years in the amount of the equivalent of in-state tuition (Not sure what that is off-hand, around $10,000 maybe?). Dean's Scholars does the same for about 20-30 students to the amount of $5000. My son qualified for this (don't know if he got it though) and his SAT was 2120.</p>

<p>Sorry - less than the $10,000 - in-state tuition is more like around $5000. It's the room and board and other stuff that adds up. Oh well.</p>

<p>Ajayc - you should decide on a few schools that offer the major you are interested in and email their financial aid offices and ask the questions you need answered about international financial aid. Get the correct info direct from the source instead of hoping people on these boards are experts!!</p>

<p>Honestly, with your stats I would not apply early. I am a huge vt fan too (applicant for c/o 2011) but your stats are extremely competitive and you have a lot more options. Save VT for regular and apply to MIT, Stanford etc. as well as a few safety's just to be sure. I don't want to downplay tech at all because it is a really good school and if thats where you wanna go then go for it, but consider your options.</p>

<p>Zimmer07,thats wonderful! my mom doesnt even pay attention when I am telling abt my colleges :( anyways yeah I have been talking to a lot colleges abt aid they kinda just link me to thier pages and say have a look and also say that they are gonna help me after I get in!</p>

<p>ehiunno thanks mate! i will consider that.</p>

<p>You won't get a true idea of aid amounts until you get your financial aid package...which you receive when you are accepted. So you kind of have to wait until April 1 to find out about the aid amounts. Stinks. This is the problem with ED - if aid is important, then maybe ED isn't the right thing for you unless you are 100% gungho and money doesn't matter. </p>

<p>No school is going to be able to tell you ahead of time what they can do for you. Part will depend on you - file your forms early, pay attention to the deadlines, be prepared to work throughout college (most full aid packages include jobs), if you qualify for merit aid, make sure you follow through with applications for them and keep your grades up to the minimum required (at least!) to keep it for all 4 years.</p>

<p>I disagree with Ehiunno, your stats at this point are nowhere good enough for MIT/Stanford and you would be out the app fees. Those fees add up. Choose 5-6 schools you really like that have exactly what you want. Compare the full amount needed for your schools as well as other amenities you may be concerned with - such as access to major airports.</p>

<p>I am ready to work throughout my 4 years. so what do you think are the stats for MIT/Stanford? I mean where can I improve?</p>

<p>As an Intl can I apply for fee waivers?</p>

<p>I'm not sure what the criteria are fee waivers. You'll have to find that out elsewhere. MIT stats? Haha...well, try perfect scores on the SAT for starters and a cure for cancer is always a good hook. It's pretty much up there with the whole HPY line. Oh, and the price is as well - closer to the $45-50K range. Which is another reason I personally like VT - more like 20K. And I think, if you live in Va, as in if you stay year round and become independent from your parents, you then can qualify as in state and the amount drops by half.</p>

<p>another reason is that I want to goto a public BIG university not some stylish small private one. I love interacting with new people too! :)</p>

<p>can an international join VTCC. Though I cant commision as an officer but can I join?</p>

<p>That's the sort of question you should be asking at VT directly. I'm pretty sure you can find a contact email for the cadet corps. Also, you could contact someone in fin aid and ask about fee waivers. Good luck to you, Ajayc. You seem to be looking at several schools like VT, hope you can narrow down your choices before you actually apply.</p>

<p>FWIW, the student who guided our engineering tour at VT last summer said he applied to VT, Illinois IT, Maryland, and Georgia Tech without visiting any of them. Once accepted, he visited all and chose VT.</p>

<p>thanks a lot mam. You have been of great help! I really appreciate it.</p>

PS But yeah I will come back if I have more doubts :D</p>