Do I have to report my official SAT/ACT scores?

Hello Everybody!

I am going to be applying to McGill and U of T. On McGill’s application in particular, it gives you the opportunity to write down you SAT/ACT scores. I just wanted to know whether I will have to send my official scores from the testing agency as well.

It does not seem I can as Canadian universities don’t appear among the universities we can send scores to (probably because they are in Canada). So do they just believe what you have written?

Any previous experience would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

I assume that you are American. For McGill here are the instructions from the website:

I assume the U of T website would have similar information.

Yes, U of T also requires that test scores be sent electronically.

We sent SAT scores to four universities in Canada over the past 6 months. So yes, it is possible to send SAT scores to Canadian universities. Each university that my daughter applied to lists their SAT code somewhere on their web site, or you can ask, or you can find it at the following web site:

Scroll down to pages 13 and 14.

I believe that you use that section to tell them about any tests that are not required but you would like them to know about
So for example if you have APs that you want to submit or you did extremely well on a certain section of the ACT/SAT this is where you can tell them