Do most high schools calculate an ‘A-‘ differently from an ‘A’ in GPA calculations?

Our HS gives 4.0 for a 93 and above grade
3.7 for 90-93 (A-)
3.3 for 87-90 (B+)

Rounding up does not happen in most of the AP/ honors/accelerated classes.

How do most HSs do it?

A few comments:
– The grading system used in your HS is not at all unusual.
– Your HS sends a school profile along with each transcript which explains (among other things) the grading system utilized.
– Don’t worry about things outside of your control.

Each school has it’s own grading scale. At my daughter’s HS, a 92.49 was a B+ and weighed as a 3.3. There was no rounding up. As stated above, don’t worry about things outside of your control. Your colleges will see your school’s grading scale with their school report.

our high school has for college prep, honors, AP/dual enrollment
A+ 97-100 4.3, 4.8, 5.3
A 93-97 4.0, 4.5, 5.0
A- 90-92 3.7,

honors gets .5 added
AP/Dual Enrollment gets 1.0 added

not sure what you mean by rounding up but for quarterly report cards and semester grades if you have an 89.5 or higher it rounds up to a 90 for any level of class

There are a few classes like gym, health that have a letter grade that doesn’t factor into overall gpa

Each college will get an description of the schools grading scale and they know that each school is different.

Yes, I mean in our school 89.5 would be a B+ in any of the AP/honors. Also the AP classes give a very modest bump in overall gpa (.02 per each semester of AP). Dual enrollment classes and honors classes give no bonus to gpa.

Again, that.grading system is not unusual and it will be explained on the school profile. FWIW our HS doesn’t give any GPA bump for honors, dual enrollment, or AP classes and students do very well in terms of college admissions (the class level can be determined by the course number on the transcript).

Admissions officers deal with all sorts of different grading scales (weighted, non-weighted, numerical, written evaluations instead of grades, various international grading systems etc.). It is part of their job. Some colleges go so far as to recalculate applicants GPAs using their own parameters (ex. core academic classes only). It is a non-issue.

Move on and focus on things that are in your control.