Do public school kids have a chance?

<p>I'm doing engineering, so, that makes it a little harder. yes, i did go to florida. yes, i worked my butt off in highschool and got the highest weighted/unweighted gpa as far as I know.</p>

<p>no, i don't think it was crappy. public high school is an experience every kid should have. it's truly unique. also, there are many things i learned in high school that i still apply today</p>

<p>My graduating class this year is 1,077. It made me have a couple of crises about individualism and identity during a pep rally once, but otherwise I think being around a lot of people was a good thing.</p>

<p>^^ Hahahahah. Crises about individualism and identity.</p>

<p>That made me laugh out loud.</p>

<p>I go to a public school in Illinois (avg ACT: 23-ish... which is like a 1530 on the new SAT) and I got in ED. I'll only have taken like 6 AP classes by the time I graduate. And I'm only taking 6 classes this year. So... I think you have as good a shot as anyone.</p>