do these schools match me?

<p>im only a rising junior but ive been stressing about college since i was about 6. i want to know if the schools im considering are a good match if i stay the same kind of student. also any other suggestions of schools that fit me are welcome.</p>

<p>k so im a caucasian female in a competative public school in the philly suburbs.</p>

<p>GPA: w-4.5 uw-3.83</p>

American lit H-A
Bio H-A
US history H-A
Algebra 2 H-B
french 2- A
Theatre1- A

American lit 2 H-A
Geometry H- A
AP US History- A
Chem H- B
French 3- A
3d design- A</p>

<p>planned for 11th
World lit H
Math Analysis H
AP bio
AP euro history
French 4 H

<p>test scores
AP US history-5
SAT2 US history-750</p>

french club-9,10
drama club-9,10 (in or doing tech for 3 shows a year)
thespian society- inducted in 10th. will hold community service chair 11th and 12th
womens choir- 9,10
class cabinet-10
Homework assistance program(helping elementary school kids)-9,10
yearbook- 9
being inducted into honors society in 11th</p>

<p>community service
the homework assistance program
community service chair
team captain/involved in relay for life for the ACS (Leadership?)
soccer buddies (helps kids who cant play in regular soccer leagues because of disabilities)</p>

<p>o and ive been working since i was 15 if it matters</p>

<p>my schools</p>

<p>Wash U in ST.L
U of Mich
Penn State(safety)
Cornell (reach)
UNC( reeeeeeaaaaaccchh)</p>

<p>i feel as if im being unrealistic?????</p>


<p>since you were 6? wow.</p>

<p>you're being realistic. just make sure your junior year is as good, if not better, than your previous years. from the looks of your PSAT you will do very well on the SAT.</p>

<p>WashU really plays up interest in their school, and that can be almost as important as standardized test scores, etc. Make sure you visit and get an interview or talk to someone on admissions.</p>

<p>WashU is actually higher ranked and more competitive than are Cornell and UNC, so I find it interesting you mentioned both of those as being reaches.</p>

<p>In my opinion you should be a fairly good match for most of the schools you listed, but Cornell and WashU may be reaches. It is difficult to say your chances at this point considering you are only a rising junior. First, I would advise you to concentrate on academics your junior year and not stress out about colleges, because if you spend too much time looking at colleges your grades may suffer and your junior year will be most important. Besides earning good grades, decide which teachers may be good candidates for recommendations, and make sure that they're able to see you at your full potential.</p>

<p>Beyond grades, there are a number of other things you can do to increase your appeal to colleges. Maintain your current EC's rather than getting involved with new ones (colleges like seeing commitment and discipline) and try to get leadership positions for your senior year. As far as standardized tests go, consider taking the ACT as well. They have a free brochure with a practice test available online, and just completing this brochure helped me achieve a much higher ACT score than SAT score (alternatively, you could take a review course for the SAT to boost your score, but, for me at least, the ACT was a better option). I had a 2030 on the SAT, but I scored no lower than the 96th percentile on the ACT (35/36 English, 35/36 Math, 34/36 Reading, 29/36 Science). What's more is that if you don't do well you can report only your highest score, whereas with the SAT you have to report all your scores (for this reason make sure you're really prepared for the SAT before you take it; though most schools will accept your highest scores, it will still show better if you only took it once). If you play your cards right, you should be able to get into all the schools you mentioned. Good luck!</p>

<p>wow, how is your GPA a 4.5? based on your grades/classes it seems like 4.1 or 4.2 should be the highest possible.</p>

<p>it's hard to tell which schools are reaches/matches for you cuz junior year is most important, and you haven't been thru that yet (neither have i)</p>

<p>School systems throughout the country have different grading systems; not all of them are like Irvine (I go to Northwood btw) A lot of east coast systems weight honors classes, some weight +/- grades (+ adds .3 and - subtracts .3 so an A- would be 3.7 and B+ would be 3.3), and some even weight AP classes with 2 points (6.0 for all ap's). that's why colleges ask for your rank- so they know how your gpa compares to the rest of your school (which sucks when your school is 50% asian and therefore very competitive, and sucks even more when you're the white one. but that's why iusd "doesn't allow" our exact ranks to be reported :-) top decile looks better than 50/500</p>

<p>thanks for the replies. i read somewhere that the admissions rate at UNC for out of state students was around 17%. so yeah. difficult. o yeah and in my school an A in an honors or AP class counts as a 5 points, B-4, C-3, etc.</p>

<p>Um, what is your interest? For instance, Cornell could be realistic for A&S, but not for engineering or architecture for others. Same goes for NYU, those school have an umbrella of sub-categories under them.</p>

<p>prob poli sci, international affairs, international business, something of the like. my brothers in the bschool at michigan and i heard that theyre starting to admit freshmen (right now u have to apply in your sophmore year) and that its gonna b really tough to get in.</p>

<p>Cornell is just as competitive as wash u if not more and arts and sciences is one of hardest schools to get into at Cornell, all of my freinds at Cornell got into wash u</p>

<p>UNC is not in same category as Cornell and wash u</p>

<p>^^^ You're right- out of state it is more difficult to get in than any school save HYPS.</p>

<p>can anyone poss tell me my chances for stern at NYU?</p>

<p>UNC out of state is about as hard to get into as maybe WashU or Emory. I know plenty who got in out of state but not into the Ivies.</p>

<p>The acceptance rate for out of staters is 19% I believe.</p>

<p>It is 17% I think, but the average SAT score is WAY below the Ivies. Trust me, my brother goes there and we researched this. Every once in a while a kid gets rejected frm UNC OOS and into Duke, but its like 1/10 times.</p>