Do transfer applicants get their own early approval/likely letter?

<p>Or is it a trial by fire thing where the only piece of notice we receive is the admissions package itself or rejection letter?</p>

<p>For me it would be Columbia and Stanford in particular...</p>

<p>from what little i know, i highly doubt schools use likely letters for transfers...especially those two schools</p>

<p>Most universities don't mail transfer letters for transfers because the turn around process for transfers is pretty quick (usually).</p>

<p>I know of a student (Valedictorian) who received a likely letter from NYU. By likely I mean like April 20th vs May 5th.</p>

<p>so do transfers usually not hear anything until the notification deadline?</p>

<p>From what I've gathered, yes, transfers usually don't hear back till the notification date. Most universities don't give likely letters to transfers.</p>