<p>gpa: 3.8
sat: 1360</p>
<p>misc facts
-northern virginia resident
-asian american
-my older brother attends uva (he is deaf also)</p>
Varsity Track
SCA- Representative
Debate Club- Officer
French Club
Young Republicans Club- Officer
National Honor Society
Varsity Football
Rec- Basketball
Worked at Safeway and Supertarget for full time over 2 summers
Currently working at Ralph Lauren Polo for 7 months. (and onward)</p>
<p>senior year classes
AP Calculus AB
AP English Language &
US Government Academic
Independent Science Research
Housing Design
AP Statistics
*currently all A's and A+'s</p>
<p>I am planning on majoring in Finance and maybe minor in econ?</p>
<pre><code>* Carnegie Mellon U
* Cornell U
* Indiana U Blooming
* James Madison U
* Syracuse U
* U Chicago- possibly ea
* U Illinois Urbana
* U Michigan
* U Texas Austin
* U Virginia
* Virginia Tech
<p>Chances at these? and please suggest me some other schools? And thank you !!! ;) now dont you feel good about your deed!</p>