:) do your one good deed of the day

<p>gpa: 3.8
sat: 1360</p>

<p>misc facts
-northern virginia resident
-asian american
-my older brother attends uva (he is deaf also)</p>

Varsity Track
SCA- Representative
Debate Club- Officer
French Club
Young Republicans Club- Officer
National Honor Society
Varsity Football
Rec- Basketball
Worked at Safeway and Supertarget for full time over 2 summers
Currently working at Ralph Lauren Polo for 7 months. (and onward)</p>

<p>senior year classes
AP Calculus AB
AP English Language &
US Government Academic
Independent Science Research
Housing Design
AP Statistics
*currently all A's and A+'s</p>

<p>I am planning on majoring in Finance and maybe minor in econ?</p>

<pre><code>* Carnegie Mellon U
* Cornell U
* Indiana U Blooming
* James Madison U
* Syracuse U
* U Chicago- possibly ea
* U Illinois Urbana
* U Michigan
* U Texas Austin
* U Virginia
* Virginia Tech

<p>Chances at these? and please suggest me some other schools? And thank you !!! ;) now dont you feel good about your deed!</p>

<p>Nice choices, a lot of state schools though-- any particular reason? I might suggest some more schools from New England i.e. B.C., Bates, maybe Dartmouth? Seems like a good list for your credentials though.</p>

<p>Cornell/ CMU/ U Chicago : Slight Reach (Not too good extracurrics, not too good course load, average sats)
UMich/ Illionois/ UVA (legacy, instate): Matches
Everything else: Safety</p>

<p>Write a good essay and try UPenn, you never know</p>

<p>Oh my gosh are you in Loudoun County VA. I go to school there. Please Reply</p>

<p>hmmm intersting response-- not too good extracurriculars or courseload? I disagree on that point.</p>

<p>Even though Cornell isn't one of the top iveys, it is still very selective. His GPA and SAT are average for Cornell. His course load and extracurrics are obviously awesome compared to average kids but when you compare them to the anal-compulsive perfectionists, they don't stand out. Mushroom, would you say Cornell and UChicago would be matches?</p>

<p>I'd say ur in UVA</p>

<p>Intersting... I do not know why i am applying to more state schools, but these are the schools that stand out when I talk to my guidance counselor and peers. I did not really want to apply to a heavy-orientated school like one focused on engineering or what not. Infectedmushroom, I have also not researched much into New England schools, but I will take your advice and check some of them out during the weekends. Interesting. And Yes, sciencenerd, I do attend school at lchs. Thanks!</p>

<p>btw, I have looked at upenn, and when I have read all across this board about upenn applicants, I have doubts about being on level with everyone else.</p>

I have critiqued my college list, and I would like your advice on which other schools that are unnecessary. Unless, of course, this is a good list. I have also made this list to imo, reach, match, and safety. Thanks to everyone!</p>

<pre><code>* Carnegie Mellon U
* Cornell U
* U Pennsylvania (after some research about their major/programs?)
* U Chicago- ea or rd?

  • U Virginia
  • U Michigan

  • U Illinois Urbana

  • U Texas Austin

  • Virginia Tech

  • James Madison U

<p>I'd say U chicago is a great match Jimshaw, Cornell will be tougher but it is not out of his range by any means.</p>

<p>I just took out the garbage...there you happy???? :D</p>

<p>How has your deafness affected your school/EC work. If it's made life difficult then your chances are appreciably higher than what they'd be otherwise.</p>

<p>hmm im not sure the guy is deaf i just think he meant his brother</p>

<p>"my older brother attends uva (he is deaf also)"</p>

<p>Makes it sound like he's deaf too. Wanna clarify this stevenhu? Disability could be a pretty important thing in your app, so you might wanna clear this up...</p>

<p>terribly sorry, I am not hearing-impaired. My brother is, but he has gotten the cochlear implant surgery, so all is well :)</p>

<p>You need SAT II's</p>

<p>sat II scheduled for november, mathIc and chem and another set in december, math IIC and perhaps another one?</p>

<p>Isn't your SAT I a little low for some schools?</p>

<li>Carnegie Mellon U : reach (reach/match)</li>
<li>Cornell U : reach (reach/match if you are applying for a less competitive
major I guess)</li>
<li>Indiana U Blooming : match, safety</li>
<li>James Madison U : match</li>
<li>Syracuse U : match</li>
<li>U Chicago- possibly ea : (concerning it's ea) slight reach</li>
<li>U Illinois Urbana : match</li>
<li>U Michigan : sligt reach</li>
<li>U Texas Austin : slight reach</li>
<li>U Virginia : match (in-state)</li>
<li>Virginia Tech : no idea</li>

<p>My bro had 1370, he applied to 11, got admission from 8,</p>

<p>waitlisted for 2, rejected from 1</p>

<p>He had GREAT ECs, and about a 3.87 GPA (unweighted)</p>

<p>great essays, no SAT IIs (so his chices were kind of limited)</p>

<p>Northwestern and Washington U. were his slight reaches and they</p>

<p>waitlisted him, and eventually he missed the cut.</p>

<p>Texas Austin, surprisingly rejected him. Admissions work in mysterious</p>

<p>ways. It would've made more sense if the more selective schools</p>

<p>rejected him. </p>

<p>Wisconsin Madison, Indiana Bloomington, UIUC, Brandeis,
Willam and Mary, Georgia Tech, Purdue, and Ohio Stated Univ(prob. safety)</p>

<p>admitted him. I wanted him to go to Brandies, but he chose UIUC, and is
fairly happy there. (we really wanted that place in Northwestern)</p>

<p>Oh and Purdue let him know right away, when he got in, REALLY fast.</p>

<p>yea purdue does send notification fast... speaking of purdue if your thinking of anything in biz I suggest you add purdue to your list</p>

<p>yeah, my brother's major was business.</p>

<p>Indiana Bloomington is a good choice too.</p>

<p>For the Virginia schools listed:</p>

<p>James Madison-Accepted/Honors
Virginia Tech-Accepted
University of Virginia-Accepted, but not 100% because admission is extremely competitive, but my guess is yes.</p>

<p>He has a great Senior course load! How many total AP's? Class rank will be important too, especially for UVA. Top 5% would really tip the scale. Good Luck, you are in great shape for admission to a great school.</p>