does a D in calc screw engineering chances?

<p>im taking ap calc ab and for the first quarter i got a D. i'm sure I'll improve (I better. if not im gonna be ****ed) but in the event i dont i want to know if VT is out of my reach. does a D screw my hopes of getting into VT for engineering? How bout a C? yall will probably ask what other stats i got so here we go: 1360 SAT, 3.7 unweighted GPA (and ive always taken honors/AP classes so its a harder curriculum), eagle scout, NHS, varsity tennis captain, Mu-Alpha-Theta. So, OK or screwed with a D?</p>

<p>Like most admissions to college I think the realistic answer will be “don’t know”. Not an admissions officer so I can’t say for sure but I do know you should still apply because only VTs vote counts in the end. If you believe what all of the admissions folks say they look at the entire record you have over the four years in high school. If there is a reason for the D that could help explain the grade I would also make a statement explaining why the dip (assuming you have done well in previous math classes). Good luck and don’t overly focus on the D. Just like an athlete has to put a bad play behind them do the same with the grade and keep plugging. Besides like you say you’ll do better next quarter and I’m sure the admissions folks would be impressed with a comeback.</p>

<p>I don’t think they’ll be looking at quarter grades, so if you can get that up to a C or even B/B- it’d help.</p>

<p>I agree with Chuy. The real concern should be: if you get in, will you be able to handle Calc 2 (MATH 1206) and the upper level courses? Freshman math is either not taught (online courses) or taught as a weed-out course (for the most part, though you can get lucky.)</p>

<p>Basically, if a student can teach himself calculus, the university is more confident that he can get through the other curriculum. If you aren’t doing well in calculus because your teacher is terrible and you aren’t putting the required time in, good luck in ANY engineering program.</p>

<p>For now though, bring that grade up!</p>

<p>Yeah my problem is putting in the work. Senioritis hit me as a junior and it simply has gone away. Hopefully, I’ll kick into gear here real soon. If I actually did my homework then I would be set.</p>

<p>They only look at Semester grades, those are the ones that count. However if you are struggling in Calc it is so much harder at Tech, trust me and read my post. You may not want to do Engineering if math doesn’t come natural to you, I was in the same boat in HS with a lousy Calc teacher since the school can only afford one and I’m suffering as a 3rd year sophmore in Engineering. </p>

<p>So make sure you know Calc very well, but to answer you question make sure your semster grade is a C+ minimum or higher and you have few other C’s. They look at Calc and physics grades more for engineering. And I found out the reason why the hard way after being at Tech in engineering. That’s why they emphasize SAT score highly so make sure you get a decent 600-700 on that.</p>

<p>not to be mean or anything
if u have a D in AP cal, which probably is the easiest course imo, you will probably hate engineering.
because it is a lot harder.</p>

<p>Well I got a 700 on the SAT. And math does come easy I just need to learn to work for it. I’ve never had to try real hard. Now I need to actually put forth some serious effort. I’m not the exception anymore… But from everything I have read it seems its a good thing that I realize this now and not in college.<br>
I’m slowing getting it. This last half a semester I’ve improved to a C. Its not a high enough C to move my overall semester out of a D but I’m kicking it into gear finally. So I’m cautiously optimistic.</p>

<p>And Chaz, I’ve read your posts about how hard Tech is. I fully understand it. But I feel prepared better than most. The school I’m in has a course that touches on statics and dynamics for example. I know what is required of me and I know dam well I can do it. I just need to bridge the expectations. Its hard and I don’t like it but it is what it is. I HAVE to do this.</p>