Does Alabama Rescind admission for poor senior year grades?

Hey! I was just admitted to UA and, from what I can tell, it’s my dream school. My experience with my recruiter and the staff has been overwhelmingly positive and the campus is absolutely gorgeous. My only problem is that I’m a senior in high school and my grades are BAD right now. Currently I’ve got an A, a B, a C, 2 Ds and an F. Realistically, I can bring them all up to Cs but I still might get a D. I’d say it can go either way right now, although I’m busting my ass to bring everything up now that I’m accepted (it was definitely a reality check). Before now I’ve been doing just fine in High School. I even got accepted into the honors college and I’ve received the presidential scholarship with a 33 ACT and a 3.69 GPA. While I know that there is no excuse for slacking off, there are special circumstances that have made this year difficult for both me and my family. I have a twin sister who was diagnosed with lymphoma last year and I blew off school for the second half of my junior year. My sister is doing much better now and responded well to her 6 months of chemotherapy, but after such an event she has decided to take online classes at home because she does not want to return to our local high school. My teachers who knew what was going on had a lot of sympathy and gave me Bs or Cs, but it’s been difficult for me to get back into school and honestly, at this point, I just want to be done with High School and move on to college.

Bring up the Ds and F to Cs. Are those quarter grades or semester grades

They’re semester grades. I probably have a 75ish percent chance of being able to bring them up if I work my hardest for the rest of the semester, but I talked to my teacher and it’s no guarantee. If I get a C in the class I’m worried about, I plan on dropping it next semester, as it’s a language course and it would be very hard for me to catch up (I already have all the credits I need.) But, let’s say I end up getting a D. Would it be best to take the second half of the course next semester and show some improvement by getting a B or perhaps an A?