Does an AO care if you took the ACT once or if you took it several times and superscored it?

Does an AO give any consideration to the fact that some people take the ACT once and get a decent score while some people take it several times and superscore it to get the same score?


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No and been told this to my face. They actually said depending on the Whole application that taking it more then once to get the score your happy with shows grit and persistence and determination. Those are all good qualities for a student. When things get tough in college they know you won’t give up. You will show the same to your school work.

So don’t listen to others. Do what you need to do. There are schools for everyone out there

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Depends on the school. For example, Hillsdale will not let you superscore. You can take it more than once but will only accept a score from one sitting. Some schools make you report all of your scores, not just the one you want to submit.

Typically not - but we don’t know how each college and each AO thinks.

But it is not worth worrying about things you can’t change so I suggest you don’t spend any more time thinking about it.

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Of course but kids get so worked up over this. Taking it a few times isn’t going to be the reason someone is accepted or denied. It is just one factor of many

Just noticed your name. I just walked back home from the Cubs game… Lol

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