does anybody watch the big bang theory?

<p>what do you think of it? i love the show. sheldon is hilarious. if there ever was a tv sitcom made for all the geeks on CC, this is it.</p>

<p>No, I’d say Damages because every character has a professional degree and lives in New York City. But it’s a drama so…</p>

<p>Big Bang Theory is so unbearably nonfactual in both the science and characterization that I can’t stand to watch it for more than 10 consecutive seconds.</p>

<p>The Office >>>>> Everything else on TV</p>


Well can’t argue with you about your opinion of the characters, but don’t they have some UCLA physics professor checking all the science jokes and stuff so it was accurate?
[There’s</a> a science to CBS’ ‘Big Bang Theory’ -](<a href=“]There’s”></p>

<p>^ Well yes, the science that they present is overall correct (in its limited form), but it’s the context of it that isn’t true. For example, one person on the show apparently “drives” the mars rovers. While they can be manually operated, I’ve never heard of it ever happening. They can give the rovers a program, like ‘take soil samples in Region X’ and it will do it, but the show portrayed it to be like the guy worked behind a steering wheel, not to mention it is operated by NASA, not a college campus with limited equipment.</p>

<p>Also what the characters present is so vague compared to what real-world engineers and astrophysicists study. I can’t recall any specific examples, but like maybe one would say he/she is currently studying Dark Matter (to another physicist). Well, that is so unbelievably vague, instead he would say he studies the modeling of non-baryonic aspects of Dark Matter as it pertains to gravitational wave influences through quantum scattering…for example.</p>

<p>Also, I am a college astrophysics student, and work directly with some astronomers/physicists, and I can tell you none of them are that dorky, not by a long shot. I don’t know anyone in the departments who watches star trek, plays rpg videogames, etc etc. Most are constantly working on lectures, research, grants, graduate student proposals, thesis’s, public outreach, blah blah, to be doing the things on the show. </p>

<p>Plus, why are 2 physicists living together? The average salary is over $100,000 for professors, but they seem to be constantly struggling for cash! </p>

<p>I’m sorry for the rambling…it just annoys me to no end!</p>

<p>^^^you are joking, right? it is a sitcom, for god’s sake…</p>

<p>someone should send this thread to the writers…smallz could be a new character next season…</p>

<p>Television is supposed to be entertaining! Nobody cares if it’s accurate or not.</p>

<p>I watched an episode on an airplane and liked it. Not something I’d follow weekly though.</p>

<p>BBT is amazing!!!
it’s one of the two TV shows i watch (the other is The Office)</p>

<p>Smallz3141 needs to take life less seriously</p>

<p>^lol, I don’t deny that!</p>

<p>If it were THAT accurate, no one except smallz would watch!</p>

<p>And the entire student bodies of Georgia Tech, MIT & CalTech.</p>

<p>^ oh my gosh, what have I opened!?! Sheesh, someone asked about the show’s accuracy, so I answered. I just can’t watch the show because I know how simplified they’re making it. Just like if you’re a marine biologist and there was a sitcom on the same topic: you would know how overall inaccurate the show was, so you’d probably not watch it (I think…), either because you find it annoying how they stereotype marine biologists, or because mentally you would be always pointing how where the show is incorrect.</p>

<p>does the big bang theory have episodes online?</p>

<p>I found a website… but about 1/3 of the links have been removed. Still a lot of good stuff there though.</p>

<p>[Watch</a> The Big Bang Theory Tv Shows online for free, download full length Tv Shows](<a href=“]Watch”></p>


BS. Why do you watch for scientific content rather than entertainment value? For example, I know how unbelievably inaccurate House is in (almost) every single way. That doesn’t stop me from loving the show, because it’s extremely entertaining. I’m not watching it because I think it’s an accurate portrayal of medicine and how a hospital is run and what being a doctor is like.</p>

<p>^Well you just made my point! I, personally, don’t find that show entertaining because of how over the top it is. If you like the show, my god, fine! Don’t say “BS” to my reasoning: that is why I, personally, don’t like it. Get over it.</p>

<p>Why are you making this into an argument?</p>

<p>It bothers me when people can’t separate television from reality. TV sitcoms/dramas are not supposed to be realistic, they’re supposed to provide entertainment.</p>

<p>Lets try this again. I don’t find the show entertaining because I find it very over the top. Just like someone may not like, say…Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, because they find the action scenes and overall plot over the top! It’s a personal opinion, not because they are incapable of distinguishing reality from fiction.</p>