Does anyone here decide to live in private dorms?

<p>I reserved regent101 single serveal weeks ago since I am afraid of no room to live on compus. However, by now, I have not receive any e-mail which inform me I am free from the waiting list of public dorm. Now, I suspet that reserving the room in private dorm automatically kick me out of the waiting list of school's public dorm. Does that means I can not live in school' dorms any more after reserving the room in private dorms? By the way, how can I know my roomate? THANKS ALOT!!!!!</p>

<p>Did you read my post on your other thread? You need to figure out where you have signed a contract as soon as possible. If you paid a deposit to Res Halls you will lose it on May 1st unless you contact them if you do NOT want to live in the on campus dorms. If you signed a contract with the Regent you owe them for the entire school year unless you are released from it by them. Neither place- Res Halls or Regent- knows what you have promised the other one. You MIGHT have 2 contracts that require a full school year’s payment unless you straighten things out. There is no automatic action taken by Res Halls. The Regent may hold you to a signed contract even if a room becomes available in Res Halls.</p>

<p>EMAIL RES HALLS with questions about your status on the waiting list. EMAIL THE REGENT with questions about your contract with them. Res Halls will make room assignments in May and let students who have a place in their dorms their dorm name/room number and roommate in early June. Those on their waiting list will not have a room unless someone with a room decides to get out of their contract.</p>