Does anyone know how disruptive the purple line construction will be to the UMD-college park campus?

I’ve read the articles but they just talk about the timing for this summer of the start of construction and the moving of the M. Maryland had been my sons top choice but if the campus is going to be a construction site for the next 3-4 years he may have to rethink it. Does anyone know how much of an impact is expected on the campus. TIA

I’m not sure how anyone can give a definitive answer about something that has not taken place yet. I will tell you that there is always some construction somewhere on campus, which is actually a positive sign that the school is not static, but always striving to provide the latest/greatest experience possible by updating facilities.

I would imagine that the personal impact of the specific construction would be relative to selected major. For example, if your son were to plan on studying engineering, all of the engineering/science buildings are grouped together in one area of campus. So, assuming the purple line is not planned on running through that section of campus, it would have less of an impact for him than it would for someone whose classes are located more central to the construction area. The campus is really quite large, so I really can’t foresee construction affecting every aspect of the campus life, nor should it impact the quality of the education.

Like previously mentioned, the campus has been undergoing construction and renovations for years now. I live in Maryland and have been on the campus plenty of times and construction USUALLY doesn’t have much of an impact besides maybe traffic or making you take an alternate route than your typical one. I would say those who walk have a much easier time navigating and dealing with this type of thing because they’re more flexible with routes. I think it would be a little much to rethink the choice simply because the school is trying to improve. For example, i got placed into ellicott hall which is one of the only halls without A/C and was primarily scheduled for renovation this year but i heard it was pushed to the earliest 2020. Although this sucks I’ve heard that the hall has some of the nicest people because of the collective suffering amongst residents. But like the person above me said, it’s impossible to determine the impact on the campus till it actually happens so I would not make any big decisions based on it.

There was a recent article in the Diamondback describing the change to Campus Drive. That’s all I’ve seen.