You’re welcome. Good luck to your daughter. I’m sure she’ll do fine wherever she ends up.
@cloudysmom - Glad it is all settled for your D. Congrats.
Was the aid the number you needed?
@cloudysmom Hopefully, you don’t have tons of schools you have to withdraw applications for. Probably schools have different ways they prefer you let them know you are withdrawing the application. The individual admissions webpage may give directions about it. Email, phone call, student portal. But the important thing is that you do so and I don’t think it would hurt to ask for confirmation that they got your withdrawal request.If it can be done through the schools’ s portal, that may be the easiest and best tracked, possibly automatic confirmation of withdrawal. Colleges take the ED commitment/rules seriously.
@sevmom I do have a lot but I can cut and paste emails, am calling them all 1st thought, it’s a short call so not that time consuming. I have asked for a confirmation email and so far have only had a few but lots of automated responses that they will get back to me. Thank you for all your help during this!!
Thanks to everyone who helped, I really needed it and you were all great!