<p>The CC's can be either in The Bay Area or the Los Angeles area</p>
<p>It needs to be around Dec 19 - Jan 14
I end Fall semester on Dec 19 and start spring semester again on Jan 14</p>
<p>The CC's can be either in The Bay Area or the Los Angeles area</p>
<p>It needs to be around Dec 19 - Jan 14
I end Fall semester on Dec 19 and start spring semester again on Jan 14</p>
<p>Cross off LACC, LAVC, Pierce, or any other CC that belongs to the Los Angeles Community College District as they all start their winter sessions around early January and last 5 weeks. SMC too since their session begins in early January. You might want to try an online course though or an ITV course where you go to one class session every week but the bulk of the class is online.</p>
<p>In fact, it might be hard to find a college in the SF or LA area that offers classes through the holidays, so I think your best bet is an online course.</p>
<p>They allow online Winter intersessions?</p>
<p>DeAnza college offers winter sessions. They're on the quarter system.</p>
<p>I believe that Fullerton and Cypress both do, but they are technically in Orange County.</p>
<p>peralta college district in alameda, oakland
<a href="http://www.peralta.edu%5B/url%5D">www.peralta.edu</a></p>
<p>De anza offers winter quarters not sessions, but i do know that some community colleges offer winter sessions periodically, you need to look periodically at schedule of classes to see if they offer it from time to time.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if LACC offers a good number of online classes for the winter session? I'm particularly looking at taking Anthro 2.</p>
<p>I looked at LACC's previous winter schedule and Anthro 2 wasn't offered. Pierce did offer Anthro 2 in the winter but it wasn't online. You should check this site once winter schedules are out to see if any any do offer it online LAcolleges.net</a> - Class Schedules at Los Angeles Community Colleges</p>
<p>Hey, can you post the link to last year's winter schedule for LACC? Thanks man. If anthro isn't offered, I can still take business. The reason why I want an online class is because my schedule is pretty tight during the winter, but I can settle going to class if it's late in the afternoon.</p>
<p>santa monica college</p>
<p>East Los Angeles College</p>
<p>Ouch, start spring in jan 14th??
I know most laccd's or all go through first week of jan to first week of feb
so its
Jan - Feb</p>
<p>El Camino College, Santa Monica, etc</p>
<p>LA Valley is offering Anthro102(cultural) online winter 08:[Virtual</a> Valley Online - Welcome!](<a href=“http://www.lavc.edu/virtualvalley/index.htm]Virtual”>http://www.lavc.edu/virtualvalley/index.htm)</p>
<p>So where can i get a winter session class for Macro econ in socal or possibly an online college fast. If I dont get it im screwed any suggestions?</p>
<p>Mission College does too</p>
<p>Pasadena City College does as well.</p>