does being hispanic from spain help?

<p>In terms of affirmative action, would being Spanish be to your advantage, as opposed to South or Central American?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>some people are purely of spanish ancestry though (no amerindian, taino, etc) yet are immigrants from hispanic countries.</p>

<p>if you want to cheat the system, don’t elaborate on your heritage, just put spanish</p>


<p>^That’s not a good idea, nor is it even possible:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>I agree w/ entomom.</p>

<p>My thing is DON’T DO IT unless you can prove it. If the university you are applying to asks you to prove it and they realize you lied, your in big trouble.</p>

<p>@Kelly 92. My Grandma and her ancestors going back thousands of years are all Spanish. Is that enough to verify it?</p>

For college admissions, much like the US census, if you say you’re Hispanic, then you are considered Hispanic, there is no verification process. The only verification I have heard of is for NA tribal membership (race, not ethnicity).</p>

<p>The point is that you shouldn’t lie about anything on your application, it just isn’t worth it. While schools may not require written verification, you might, for instance, make a slip up during the interview. And this pertains to anything on your application, not just ethnicity or race.</p>

<p>Do you qualify for NHRP? That’s one way of reinforcing your Hispanic heritage for college admissions.</p>

<p>@saints 2009</p>

<p>Am not saying you’re lying. Just don’t lie on the application. Schools like students who are honest, point blank because it shows maturity.</p>

<p>oh nevermind then haha. i’m sorry.</p>