Does Brown accept GED diploma as requirement to enroll the bachelor degree?

I come from Thailand and I want to know that can i use GED is still the 2002 GED not the same in USA cause in USA use 2014 and I saw this link honestly im not homeschoolers but i look into as a high school dropout with a GED,NEW SAT if brown doesnt accept which university i can apply? Thankyou

The GED is the bare minimum qualification to enter college at all. Brown is one of the most selective universities in the country. See the disconnect?

In theory, they will probably consider your application with a GED. In practice, Brown is so selective that you’ll need something more besides the GED to show that you are academically prepared to attend and a good candidate for admission. (The latter could be a non-academic achievement, such as being an elite athlete, or an academic achievement, such as participating in the international math olympiad.)

An American high school drop-out with a GED would probably start their college career at their local community college, not a selective private university.