Does Everyone Have a True Safety?

<p>Is there any in-state school that you'd find a "good fit"? It might be good to apply to one, just in case you decide it would be nice to be in college when all your friends start college. It is tough to know what will happen with admissions, especially when you're applying to such competitive schools. If BC is your only safety, it would be good to have at least one more, where your stats put you in the category of 75% or more admitted with your stats. Gap years are good IF well-planned but not so good if it's because you didn't get in anywhere.</p>

<p>My safety is Auburn (Already Accepted)</p>

<p>Waiting on NCSU, UF, UGA, and Clemson.</p>



<p>You seem to have a good fall back plan.
If you carefully plan the alternatives (Gap year, schools in England), you have nothing to worry about. You don't need a safety. Safety is for the kids who think it is the end of the world if they don't get into <em>some</em> school even if they are not a good fit there.</p>

<p>"Safety is for the kids who think it is the end of the world if they don't get into <em>some</em> school even if they are not a good fit there."</p>

<p>Um, or it could just be a school that is not perhaps a student's first choice but would nonetheless offer a perfectly good undergrad experience. Personally, I am very pleased with my safeties/low matches, and I would be happy to attend either of them, although I would admittedly choose one of my others if I got accepted.</p>

<p>Agreed, I'd prefer UF, but would love to attend Auburn if I don't get accepted at UF.</p>

<p>What exactly is a TRUE safety? </p>

<p>One that, UNDOUBTEDLY you will get in (I live in MN so for me it'd be the University of Minnesota)... or one that it is very very likely you'll get in (according to two different college counselors)?</p>


<p>Well, I think a TRUE safety is one that guarantees you admission. Though I like to still call schools that you have a 80%+ chance at safeties. I think you should just KNOW that you'll get in (you just know that you're above the school's standards and that it'd be like aiming low for your academics, etc.).</p>

<p>Hey Guys...wondering y CCs aren't safties...
If I don't get into any UCs, or if I only get into UCMerced, probably UCR,(sorry, kinda sad) I would just go CC directly tons ($40000+).....and transfer later...and then there should be other UCs accepting me .....wise choice or stupid plan?</p>

<p>Minnesota (Twin Cities) was my safety, got in pretty quickly...but got into my 2nd choice, UMich first, anyway =)
Rolling admissions is good stuff.</p>

<p>Doris...that is a wise plan.</p>

<p>Finances factor into safeties too--from a parent's perspective, a safety is a school that the student would be happy to attend, almost guaranteed admission, and family can afford to have student attend for 4 years.</p>

<p>my safety is ucsb. i am ELC so i'm guaranteed there.</p>

<p>i applied to 8 schools and haven't heard from any yet but..</p>

<p>SUNY Binghamton

<p>OF the schools i visited i think that i would be happy to go anywhere. not one shines out at the moment, but binghamton is pretty much my safety</p>

<p>I didn't have a safety. It made me pretty nervous. </p>

<p>Then i got into Yale. :-)</p>

<p>As an international needing fin. aid...I have NO safeties. But schools I have a decent chance at are.. </p>

<p>Washington College
Occidental College</p>

<p>If anybody needs a good rolling admissions safety, I would suggest the University of Colorado at Boulder. Great school, especially for those interested in science. People with a 3.7 unweighted or higher should be able to get in fairly easily.</p>

<p>You must be fairly 'confused'. Surely you can't suggest that all students interested in science want University of Colorado... ;-)</p>

<p>My safeties are pretty much the UCs (with the exception of Berkeley).
I did get into Loyola Chicago (Safety) with their best academic scholarship.</p>

<p>Should I apply to BU to see if I get some free money, even though I've already been excepted to Notre Dame and BC (not sure how much aid yet)?</p>

<p>I'm still hoping I can get into Cornell, Northwestern, or WashU! (but a good aid offer from something else might be too good to pass up.)</p>

<p>Michigan State University was my 100%-sure safety, but, given the stats of my classmates who get in, UMich would probably be a safety, too.</p>

<p>my safeties are uchicago(in), bu, and usc</p>