Does I get even little Chance ?

<p>I'm International Student
I got pretty low SAT : about 1650- CR 440 ( so bad cause i only knew about SAT last year), Math- 720 ( I'll try to get higher next time), WR-500 ( Average)
My ACT: composite is 25, math 32, CR 22, WR 20 Science 24, essay 8
My Gpa: 3,9: AP physic, Precal Honor, Bio I Honor, IB Eng B, Comp Illu, Flash , health, 20th Cen his.</p>

<p>Also, i am really sure that my 3 short essay are very good indeed because i put all my hilarious, effort on them. And my advisory thinks they are awesome.
Finally, i do not apply to engineer major. i choose Management. So do i have any chance to get in VT?</p>

<p>I think your only downside is the reading score, if you can take it again and raise it to 520-560 then your chances will definitely improve. Otherwise I think you have a decent shot so go ahead and apply. Don’t worry, if you don’t get into Management, they will put you into University Study then you can easily do internal transferring. </p>

<p>Best of luck</p>

<p>Oh well ! Wish that came true ! :smiley: ! Can you help me what is Univer Study ? I know nothing about USA education program.</p>

<p>University Study is just another term for undecided. If you apply for a competitive program and not get in, instead of just reject u because of your “not enough” qualified scores, they will put you into the general study area where you can transfer into the program you want later when you show them your grade after a semester or two. General study is usually easier to get into.</p>