does Johns Hopkins have one of the top orthopedics department or should it be somewhere else?

should it be somewhere else that is better than jhu like ucsf, Washington university st.louis , or for orthopedics?

Are you asking because you’re having a hip replacement, or asking because you’re wondering about your residency chances? If it’s the former, your primary care physician ought to be able to guide you to the best place for your particular surgery. If it’s the latter and you are waiting to be matched, you only have a few more weeks to go so sit tight.

And if you are in high school or college and not yet admitted to ANY med school, let alone waiting to be matched, get a grip. It’s like asking “Should I accept my Nobel Prize in person or be at the birth of my first child”. Not something you need to think about, worry about, contemplate at all.

You are a sophomore in college. Worry about getting into medical school first. Then you can worry about residency. You do realize that an MD is a general degree and after receiving it you apply for residencies in your specialty?

The best orthopedic residency program?

The one you’re matched to by the Great and All -Powerful Computer Algorithm in Princeton, NJ.

(Shockingly, it’s true. Med students don’t get to pick where they do their residency. They submit a list of places where they’ve had interviews and computer program does the picking for them. You could end up anywhere or nowhere all. Orthopedics is very competitive and only 85% of applicants match ANYWHERE.)

Those med school orthopedic programs are all good. Once you get an interview either for residency or fellowship with any of them, then you Might be in a better position to ask a comparison of programs. Before then, you should work hard towards a Medical school, a high step 1 score and good recommendations from your rotations.