Does madison have a good music/club scene?

<p>im choosing which college to go to, and its between uw madison, boston u, and uminn twin cities. i got into all and am going into mechanical engineering. but music is my true passion, so i want to go into some kind of music business a few years after engineering or even simultaneously.
i know that out of the 3, madison has the best engineering school, but how's the music/club scene?
i know thta boston u is a diverse and cultured city with a good music scene, but would i be sacrificing some engineering education?
and Uminn, it seems like it has a lil of both.
i have visited all of these schools within the last month but still am unsure.</p>

<p>What kind of music are you into?</p>

<p>It isn't a big city, but a great college town for music. I'm going to date myself here, but in my day there was a vibrant scene - Killdozer, Tar Babies, plus every Sub Pop band came through town. Butch Vig recorded Nirvana in town at Smart Studio. I saw bands as frequently as I wanted. </p>

<p>The Memorial Union Music Committee is a great training ground and books tons of bands. There are numerous venues in town too. </p>

<p>In addition, I understand there are tons of practice spaces on campus. </p>

<p>Oh, and Prof. Craig Werner in Afro Am/English teaches awesome courses on popular music. Ron Radano too. </p>

<p>It'll be a blast.</p>

<p>I'm not a huge music scene guy, but from what I did see, it was pretty good. There is a good club on E. Wash, the High Noon Saloon. There is also a good venue on Regent Street, as well a few other places. A lot of the major indie acts roll through town, as well as quite a few majors at the Kohl Center if that is what you are looking for.</p>

<p>I've been here since Jan. So far to be quite frank, i haven't seen a good club scene per say. Yet again, maybe coz i'm new here, but I did google it and not alota impressive ones came out. But it is packed with bars i can tell you that much. I know for a fact BU would have a way above average club scene. UM-twin cities, i think would be in between BU and UW, probably slightly above average. Though UW has the best engineering school as you've mentioned. so @ the end of the day its a matter of personal preference. </p>

<p>let us know what you chose and g00d luck!</p>

<p>im very eclectic when it comes to music. from personal drumming and guitar-ing experience, i have grown to love indie & alternative music. but also, from dj-ing and producing my own music, i also love electronic dance music.
coming from Chicago, i have grown accustomed to the huge club scene here. i dont want to have to give that up when i go to school next year. so thats y music is a HUGE factor in my decision.</p>

<p>Chicago club scene definitely can not be compared to Madison's club scene,its wayyyyyy off. The only one would be up with it is @ BU. UW-twin cities also wont keep up with Chicago either though it would be after BU. Electronic dance music @ clubs is also a passion of mine (though not as much as you) though I almost know for a fact it's not available here @ Madison.</p>