Does more than 1 C in high school ruin college chances?

<p>My younger sister is taking the most rigorous courseload available at her high school. She just finished her sophomore year. She has had all A’s except for 2 C’s, both received this year.</p>

<p>I’ve heard unofficially from someone who claims to have inside knowledge that most UC’s will reject any student with more than 1 C, and also that most students who received more than 1 C in high school statistically don’t graduate college
…This sounds unbelievable to me (especially the second part) but I can’t be sure. I certainly graduated college and I even had a D in high school…</p>


<p>2 C’s won’t keep her out of most UC’s… I don’t know where you heard that but it certainly isn’t true. What matters most is the overall GPA.</p>

<p>And even if most kids who get more than 1 C in high school don’t graduate high school, so what? If you’re sister has all A’s except for 2 C’s then she will probably graduate college. I would think that statistic is more students who get mostly B’s and more than 1 C. Even then, I doubt that it is true.</p>



<p>The only inside knowledge I have is on the thoughts in my brain but they are telling me that sounds completely like a bad rumor.</p>

<p>Your sister is taking the most rigorous schedule of classes, you said-this is probably the reason she received those Cs. That really shouldn’t hurt her too much, as her schedule shows her interest and ability in getting good grades regardless of rigor. It really is GPA that matters most-as long as she has a 3.0 or 3.5, depending on where you are from bu the time she completes high school, she’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Personally, I applied to the UCs with one D and one C which I believe is worse. Anyways, I applied to 6 campuses and was accepted to 3. My UC GPA was a 3.63 and my UW was a 3.38. Truthfully, I don’t think 2 Cs will matter as much because like someone else said, your overall GPA matters more and your personal statement is a huge factor in the decision process! For your info, I got accepted to UCSB, UCR, and UCI. Sat was a 1750 and ACT was a 28. Hope this was helpful!</p>

<p>C’s are fine if your overall GPA is GPA is high enough but you can get rescinded with D’s.</p>

<p>I had 1 C and got into UCLA, UC San Diego, and UC Irvine. </p>

<p>One or two C’s early on will NOT ruin your chances of admission!</p>