<p>I'm a college senior and I never drink. I find it alcohol disgusting and I don't want to pick up that bad habit. I don't mind if my friends or people around me drink but I wouldn't want to be the oddball not drinking either.</p>
<p>It seems that many have parties with a lot of drinking and things like beer pong and what not. Will the fact that I don't drink make these schools not fun for me? Is this especially true for schools that have a lot of fraternities? Can you give me examples of schools where this is and isn't true?</p>
<p>I need a school with a social life but is the only option?</p>
<p>No I wouldn’t say so. I’m a non-drinker and many of my friends also choose not to drink. There are plenty of other things to do besides going to parties and getting completely wasted. Also, the parties I’ve been to anyway, no one really notices whether you’re drinking or not, so that’s still an option for you.</p>
<p>It’s completely possible to have a social life without drinking. I’m a first-year who doesn’t drink, and I’ve had a pretty normal social life (including parties) without feeling like an oddball. There’s no peer pressure, people are completely respectful… it’s just not a big deal. There are also so many things going on over the weekend that if drinking and/or partying isn’t your thing, you can always find a group who’s watching a movie or baking something or jamming in the lounge… This seemed to be true of all the schools I looked at (small, socially progressive LACs with no fraternities and little sports culture, FWIW - I ended up at Oberlin).</p>
<p>Things also depend on your social circle within a school. It seems like the more first-years there are in a group or at a party, the more irresponsible/obnoxious drinking there is; older students tend to be more in control and less likely to be in-your-face drunk, probably because it no longer holds novelty for them.</p>
<p>You may want to consider college campuses that are not located in isolated areas. In my experience, isolated campuses tend to have more on campus drinking (often times it becomes the main weekend activity). Look for schools that have easy access to off campus activities–movies/restaurants/malls/clubs, etc. You may want to find a campus that has things available within walking distance. If the campus is isolated, kids tend to drink more on campus. If the campus has easy access to off campus stuff, most of the drinking tends to take place off campus and this makes living in the dorms more comfortable for non-drinking kids.</p>
<p>yeah; you can definitely have a good time without drinking…you can go to parties and just choose not to drink, you can go to campus events, go out to dinner and movies, etc. etc. no one will really pressure you to drink at a party (people just don’t care enough), and like chuck said, everyone will be psyched to have a designated driver.</p>
<p>although i advise you to get drunk at least once because i promise it’s really not so bad ;)</p>
<p>I drink and all my friends drink. I know a couple people who don’t drink but they don’t like hanging out or going to parties where people are drinking. Drunk people are really annoying when you are sober.</p>
<p>i dont drink much…but it never really dawned on me as having no social life…my campus activities team hosts so many activities and so many trips off campus to events and there always reasonably priced off campus and free on campus(and if their not free on campus they go too charity) that ur never bored…we have a bingo called blingo where they regularly give out flatscreens and other shibang</p>
<p>i drink, and i drank in HS too. some pf my friends didnt drink in HS and said they would never drink, even in college, and now they drink. but its true, you dont have to drink to have a social life. theres lots of other things to do and you can go to parties and noone will force you to drink. one of my roommates just chooses not to drink… she comes out with us and then sometimes leaves when everyone is sloppy drunk, THATS not fun to be around when your sober. drinking gams are fun though, you should try them.</p>